Chapter One

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   The honey haired boy followed my every footstep

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   The honey haired boy followed my every footstep. From the bedroom to the kitchen and then back to the bedroom. My ability to ignore him was immense and sometimes I found myself forgetting he was even there.

   He used to never do this but it had become a habit of his for the past three months. At the beginning, I tried to politely shoo him off but to no success. After awhile I shrugged it off and learned to fade him away into the background.

  The one thing I could never shrug off was the constant poking and prodding at my arm. It wasn't just the tiny bits of pain but the distraction it provided.

  "You are poking me," I stated, not turning my chair around. "Please stop."

"I'm bored," he whined, retracting the pens tip from my arm. I ignored his useless comment and continued flipping the pages and writing notes. Suddenly a stray line got made on my paper as the pen disappeared from my hand. "Victory!" he cheered.

I stared at the now, messy paper. My eye twitched in annoyance and I flipped around in my chair. "Emmett," I warned. "You are distracting me."

Emmett waved the grey plated pen around in circles. A slight amused smile plagued his face. "I'll make a deal."

I let out a few blinks. "What is the deal?"

"You take a break with me and walk in the main plaza and I give you this," he said, waving the pen in my face. I would usually use another writing utensil but that pen was special. The ink differed from the others and I was not willing on messing my notes up more.

"Okay," I agreed, standing up and swiping my hands over my pants. Emmett eagerly took my hand as he started to drag me outwards. "Wait." I retracted my hand. "I need to change."

   My clothes were dirtied and I knew better than to be dirty. I started removing my shirt.

   "W-What are you doing?" He stuttered, turning around.

   "Changing." I figured that was obvious.

   "I'll wait in the living room!" Emmett exclaimed as he hurriedly left, closing the door.

  My closet consisted of bland colors and patterns. Everything I had was approved by my mother. She wanted to make sure I was not dressing like a "whore". I exited the room, this time presentable

   No words left my mouth before Emmett once again took my hand. His hand felt oddly warm. My eyes never left our intertwined hands. A few minutes later I took my hand back and it fell to my side.

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