Chapter Twelve

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   Where did all my willpower go? It diminished so fast

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Where did all my willpower go? It diminished so fast. So quick. I wanted to obey the rules. I wanted to be perfect for her. Mother. For my whole life it's been easy and normal.

But he messed it up. He confused me so much. Made my willpower shatter and my goals shift. Made my heart have unknown sensations. Emmett.

His face looked at mine. His eyes blaring with desperation. But every time I wanted to scream out something I couldn't.

You failure.

   My mothers text broke me. I never knew what broken was until that. When I called her she aggressively scolded me. I promised I'd get back on track. That I'd redeem myself. And I couldn't do that with Emmett.

   Emmett was always trying and I could tell I was hurting him. Frustrating him. It was easier before. I wanted easy, even if it meant unhappy.

   "I'm sorry. This is my priority."

   "Fine," Emmett said, letting his hand fall from the chair. "Study your hearts content out."

   Emmett turned his back and started to head out. "Wait, I, ugh," I rambled. I stopped him. Why did I stop him? "I want to say..." I was internally screaming. I hate myself so much. Coward. "Nevermind."

   "Don't forget to eat Kiara." Kiara not darling.

   "I'm so sorry," I said when he was gone.

   Emmett didn't come by anymore. Never wondered outside my classroom or knock on my door. He was gone.

   On the other hand my grade went back to the top. My mother seemed to ease up on me which made me semi glad. But I felt empty. Bored. How I felt all those months ago.

   It was Thanksgiving day and everybody was gone. I was left at my apartment per usual. I managed to finish my unnecessary studying and patrol around.

   Then I went to the one place that wasn't dreadful. The lake.

   I had no bread on me today but took a seat in my normal place anyways. The same ducks were further out, this time in the water.

   My phone went off.

   Happy Thanksgiving Love! Take care today.

   Vienna always texted me on every holiday. It was kind. I hadn't appreciated it as much in the past.

   Happy Thanksgiving.

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