Chapter Thirty

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   Kiara was knocked out cold in the morning

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   Kiara was knocked out cold in the morning. Small snores escaped her. Adorable snores to be exact. I slid out of bed, making sure not to jolt her too much, before heading out to the kitchen area. There was already the smell of roasted coffee filling the house accompanied by a fresh bread aroma.

   My parents were spread around the kitchen and dining room. Vienna was stuffing her face with pound cake at the table.

   "Morning hun."

   "Morning," I groaned before shuffling around and grabbing myself food.

   "You're up late. Is Kiara still sleeping?"

   "Yeah, passed out. I'll wake her up soon."

   I brought the coffee up to my lips, taking a few cautious sips.

   "You must have slept late," Dad stated. I shrugged. How would I know? "Listen, I didn't want to bring this up, but are you using protection?" I choked on my coffee and Vienna became hysterical. Mom on the other hand looked interested in what my answer would be.

   "As much as we love Kiara, we don't want her to get pregnant just yet," Mom pitched in. This is where Vienna must've gotten her sadistic side from.

   "Guys, stop," I begged. "This conversation isn't ever going to happen."

   "Contraceptives are not always effective," Mom quoted.

   "I'm aware," I muttered.

   I set my coffee down and headed back to check on Kiara. She was still asleep but this time she was widely spread out. I walked over and took a seat on the side of the mattress. Her chest rose and fell with every breath and her appearance resembled that of an angel. I really didn't want to wake her but I needed to. It was necessary so I could avoid the contraceptive conversations.

   "Darling," I whispered, nudging her. "Darling." She groaned out before shifting around to the other side. I moved her back over and her eyes started to flicker open. "Morning sleeping beauty." She furrowed her eyebrows before shutting her eyes again and shoving her face in the pillow. "I can wake you the hard way but I'll give you to the count of five." I began counting. "One, two, three." At three I got on top of her now flattened out body. "Four." Four was the magic number because she pushed me off and sat up. I kind of wish I hit five.

   "I'm up." She crawled out and stretched. I embraced her waist dragging her back onto me and she fell on my chest. "You just told me to get up and now you're dragging me back." 

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