Chapter Twenty Four

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   I'm insatiable

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I'm insatiable. I wanted more. Craved more.

She actually tasted sweet. Her taste resembled the same as honey.

I can't believe I was kissing her.

No, I can't believe she kissed me. When I closed my eyes I never expected that. I don't know what I expected, definitely not that. I also didn't expect her to be stupendous at it.

Once I was able to let go of her, we continued walking through the gift shops. One held just stuffed animal. It was a sea of soft.

We stumbled upon a wall of seals and sea lions. Yes, they're different. Kiara picked one out of the bunch and observed it. She held it up to me.

"Hold it," she ordered. I took it and held it up to me. "Can I take a photo?"

"O-Of me?"

"Yes. You look cute with the seal."

Instant heat filled my cheek. I would never be used to Kiara's compliments. "Okay." I posed awkwardly with the stuffed seal before Kiara snapped a shot or two. "You aren't going to look at them?" I asked as she slipped her phone away.

"Why would I do that?"

"To check if they look okay."

"I don't need to. I'm sure they look good."

I took her hand with mine and led her to the cash register, setting the seal down. "We need a memento for our date."

"Wait," Kiara said. She speedily walked off into the connecting room. A few seconds later she appeared with a small stuffed animal in her hand. A duck. "We should both get something."

God, I want to kiss her and never stop.

We made our way back to her apartment. I felt a forming sunburn on my upper arm and my feet were killing me. I was not used to extensive walking like that.

"I've looked up a list of Disney movies. I think I want to watch Bambi."

"Bambi is good."

We took our normal places. Not laying but she was settled in my chest and between my legs.

I really had no memory of Bambi so this felt new. I was on the edge of my seat every time Bambi came across the hunters. Just as Bambi was fighting that other bitch, the computer shut closed.

"Hey," I mumbled. "Why did you shut it?"

Kiara turned around and pressed her mouth to mine. It was so quick I didn't respond for a second. Her kisses were always so spontaneous and out if the blue.

Eventually I melted into her, kissing her back. I scooted us down so she was on top of me. Her smooth hands were encasing my face. They traveled to my chest and down to my abdomen. Fuck. Control your heat Emmett.

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