Chapter Twenty Six

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   "Break times over," Kiara grumbled, pushing away from me

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   "Break times over," Kiara grumbled, pushing away from me.

   "According to my calculations," I fake peaked at my phones time stamp before pulling her back. "Our ten minutes hasn't started yet."

   Her eyes turned to slits as she suspected me. I figured she'd give in like she had the past couple of times, but she didn't. She slipped off of my legs and sat in her chair. "You should fix your calculations then." Tease.

   Two hours slid away and she finally closed that damn laptop of hers and shut her textbooks. She started to gather her things in her bag and when her attention turned back to me I sat up. "Eager much," she joked. She actually joked.

   "Eager isn't exactly the word I'd use," I said under my breath.

   "Did you want to get something to eat?" She asked, walking over to me.

  "It's ten at night darling, not much is open."

   "Actually there's a night cafe just--"

   "I was lying. It was an excuse to keep kissing you."

  She gave me a peck. "There. Now can we grab food?"

   "Sure darling."

   The cafe had a live band-which was new-and it lightened the atmosphere quite a bit. People sat around at the tables, watching intently. Some even danced around on an open floor. It consisted mostly of elders. Heart-warming, really it was.

   Kiara was sipping from a steaming hot clear tea and eating a tiny lemon bundt cake. She held out a spoonful of it to me and I took a bite. It was more tart than I expected but delicious nonetheless.

   "It's good."

   I let her finish up and clean her surroundings. We sat engulfed in conversation for a little bit before I led her upwards to the dance floor. She stood still and petrified before I took her hands and put them around my neck. Mine placed themselves on her hips. We swayed, matching the older people's movements. Yeah, we stood out.

   "You like dancing?" She probed.

   "Only with you." Kiara gave me a quick 'hm' in response. I placed a couple delicate kisses on her bare arms. God was every part of her this silky smooth.

   "Can I sleep over at your place?"

   "Are you trying to seduce me little one?" I played, making her turn crimson red. I loved getting that reaction from her. It was one of my favorites.

   "No, you're just closer."

   I leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'm just messing with you darling. Let's head out before it gets too late, yeah?"


Kiara was shuffling through my drawers trying to pick out a shirt to her liking.

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