Chapter Three

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   The lake was serene today

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The lake was serene today. Not many people were out and the only thing I could see were the ducks. A family of ducks to be specific.

One duckling fell behind, slowly being swept away from the teeny current being caused by the others.

I felt an aching in my chest. I clenched my shirt. It was the aching I felt growing up. The ache of longing for something. The aching of being left behind was still so profound.

But the duck and I differed in one way. One important way that discreetly broke me. The mother saw her duckling and waited. Waited for her baby to catch up. Waited to make sure her baby was safe.

Who thought I could envy an animal?

My phone buzzed viciously in my pocket. I picked up immediately.

"Kiara," my mothers stern voice embraced my ears. My back tensed. "You have a few exams this week, right?"

"Yes ma'am. Only three."

"Pass them," she demanded. When have I not? It wasn't as if I could fail them. "I saw your score on the last quiz." I fisted the side of the park bench. "It was terrible. You didn't score an A."

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I forgot she had my grade book login.

"Those tests were difficult."

"Difficult." She sneered. "If that's your excuse then you might as well be a failure."

   Failure. I'd never be that. Because she would tell me to never return. I would no longer be her daughter.

"I understand. I worded that wrong. It was my fault."

"Just pass these exams Kiara. Whatever is distracting you, get rid of it." Without any goodbye or good luck, she hung up.

   I did as she commanded. I went home and studied. Studied throughout the night, not giving myself one minute of sleep or any stimulant. 

   Throughout the next day I felt my body fighting me. Begging me to close my eyes. I wouldn't. I just had one more exam today.

   "One more," I whispered.

   Done. My exams were finally done. Well, for now.

   I dragged my feet through the hallway. I could barely move and when I did, I wanted to drop. My apartment took a hefty amount of time to get to from campus and I had no bus pass.

I was at one of four university apartments. But sadly, it wasn't mine. I still had ten minutes of walking.

"Hey darling." The nickname was a dead giveaway to who it was. "What are you doing —" I turned around, seeing the blurry Emmett. "Holy shit. You look terrible." Emmett took a few steps closer, observing me. "Kiara, did you not sleep?"

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