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   I was sitting at the long white covered table, watching everybody on the dance floor

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I was sitting at the long white covered table, watching everybody on the dance floor. They all had smiles on their faces. Some danced sporadically and others more coordinated. I couldn't help but feel content. This was my life, surrounded by people, people that loved me and that I loved back. I wouldn't want to celebrate my wedding any other way. I'm so glad Emmett convinced me to do a ceremony.

My eyes stopped on Dominic. He was dressed nicely, sipping from a glass, his attention on one girl in particularly. Vienna. She was dancing with a friend of Emmett's, his arms wrapped around her. Dominic began to stomp over, his jaw locked. I should defuse a possible situation but I wouldn't. I think it was my turn to play cupid this time around. Dominic grabbed Vienna's arm, tugging her away from the man. He seemed fairly composed. All I saw was Dominics mouth moving and the man walking away.

"What are you looking at?" A voice asked.

"Just two lovebirds," I answered, motioning to the scene unfolding.

Emmett looked over. "I find it unsettling that the man who once took you from me is sleeping with my sister."

I elbowed him. "You know that's not true. He's always had eyes for her."

"Yeah yeah," he shooed me off. "Now can I dance with my precious wife?"

"Of course."

We swayed on the floor, his hands firmly placed around me.

"Are you going to tell me now?" I questioned.

He smirked, "Tell you what?"

"Emmett, tell me where this lavish honeymoon is that you refuse to tell me about." I thought we were going to plan something together but he insisted on doing it himself. He's been hyping it up ever since and I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm your wife now. You have to."

"Ah, the wife card. I forgot you can use that now."

"I can use the withhold sex card if you prefer."

His smile dropped. "Fine," he muttered. "Prepare yourself." I gave a smile of excitement. Emmett leaned down to my ear, keeping our slow motions. "We are going to London."

"What?" I gasped. "London? Like London, England?"

"The one and only. You haven't been able to go, so I'm taking you."

London was always so unreachable, eventually it faded from mind. The dream of going was always taken away. Now Emmett's fulfilling it, my forgotten dream.

"You're amazing," I said, forcing a kiss upon him. "I love you."

"I love you too, darling."

London was astonishingly gorgeous. The architecture, the people, the weather.

I shook Emmett and pulled him with me. We landed in front of the famous landmark, Big Ben. The clock was massive. It literally glistened under the sun. I ended up dragging him to as many places as I could that were on my list. My bucket list was four pages, front and back.

"Baby, we have a whole two weeks here. Can I please rest my feet?" I looked over at the hunched over Emmett. He shuffled from one foot to the other, trying to relieve his pain. "I promise I'll take you wherever you want tomorrow."

"Okay. I don't want you to collapse just yet."

Our hotel was gigantic, spacious beyond belief. The inside had beige and white walls and a line of lights going around the edges of the ceiling. Everything had a remote control. The blinds, the doors, everything in the bathroom. A part of me was glad I didn't know how much he spent of this room.

"I'm going to shower. Take it easy old man."

"Thanks darling, you make me feel great." I laughed before treading off.

The shower was exactly what I needed. It relaxed every part of my aching muscles. I wrapped myself up before heading into our bedroom. Emmett was sitting, staring at something small. I inched closer and recognized it. Oh shit.

"You're pregnant," he breathed out, breaking the silence. He held the pregnancy test up higher, revealing the two lines.

"Did you go through my purse?" That was the last place it was. I even made sure to shove it to the bottom.

"Of course not. It fell over. I was cleaning it up." Emmett got to his feet, now towering above me. "We're having a baby."

I shook my head. "No Emmett, we aren't."

"But the test—"

"It was a false positive. I went to the doctors a few days before our wedding to be sure." I had all the symptoms, trust me, I was surprised too.

"You're really not pregnant?" he choked out. Emmett fell back to sitting on the bed. His face seemed pained. A pain I wanted to liberate for him as he once did for me.

I placed myself in between his legs, grabbing his face and lightly stroking his cheeks with my thumbs. "What's wrong?" I tilted his face up so he was looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to ruin our wedding," I answered truthfully. "I thought you'd be relieved."

"You actually think that? You wouldn't have ruined our wedding. I would have been ecstatic."

"Ecstatic? You wouldn't have wanted that. I mean we just got married and it would be a lot of responsibility—"

"What are you talking about?" He said removing my hands, placing them to his chest. "What makes you think I don't want that? I want a family with you. I don't care when, even if it was tomorrow. Having a child-having children with you would be fucking everything to me. I always imaged our future together, further than marriage. I thought we could have four." My eyes widened. Four?! "Or three, two maybe. Anything you want. Just know I want it."

His words always made me forget all rational thoughts. I was touched. We never spoke much about children, maybe a brief time once but not in detail. It was an unspoken conversation for the longest time, it was inevitable. "Let's make a baby then," I blurted.


"Everything you said, I want that. A family with you. I don't care about a time schedule. I'm happy where we are. I have no doubts, not one. I know you'll be an amazing father and I'll try my absolute hardest to the best possible mother."

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" He whispered.

"Yes, if you want it too, then I want to do this. Now."

Emmett snatched me, throwing me on the bed and elevating himself above me. I let out a small laugh of amusement. "Eager much?" I played.

"To make a baby with my wife? Fuck yes." He leaned down, taking my lips with his. "I love you Kiara."

"I love you too Emmett."

Our eternity never seemed so exciting.

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