Chapter Two

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   She haunted my mind

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   She haunted my mind. Consumed it, actually.

   It was bad, getting involved with her. I heard what people said about her. Anyone that met her never had one good thing to say.

   I had a confession. At one point, I thought those things about Kiara. That she was unfriendly and odd. She was always secluded and she never spoke unless spoken to.

But three months ago, I saw it. A different her. The her that was buried under her hard and fake exterior.

It was the day Beth and I broke up. Beth. The girl that once had me on my knees. The girl I was hopelessly blinded by. The girl who destroyed every part of my being.

3 months prior:

I was sitting in Vienna's living room, waiting for her to get home.

I needed to talk to somebody or I was going to lose it.

   My body shook. Out of shock or heartbreak? Probably both. But I shouldn't have been shocked. Beth and I have been having major issues for awhile now. But fuck, I still love her.

   The door rattled and soon opened. I looked over, relieved Vienna was finally home. Except, it wasn't Vienna. It was her roommate, Kiara.

   Kiara walked, giving me a short look of distaste before heading to her room.

   Great. This is exactly what I needed. My sister's cold hearted roommate snickering at my visible pain.

   One minute passed. Then two. Five. Ten.

   I was about to get up and leave but Kiara exited her room, making me freeze. I jolted my eyes back to the floor, my head hung downwards.

   A open box of tissues took over my vision along with the soft silky arm holding it out. I followed the path of the arm and met the unreadable eyes of Kiara. She wasn't frowning nor smiling. Just expressionless. But her actions were completely different. They were kind.

   "For your tears," she said.

   "Are you doing this to humor yourself?" I asked with hostility.

   Kiara set the box on the wooden table in front of us. "Why would I want to humor myself?" I let out a groan. I would've called her on her shit right now if it weren't for her obvious confusion.

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