Chapter Eighteen

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   "Lilah seriously?"

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   "Lilah seriously?"

   She sat back on the desk chair before frowning innocently. "I didn't know that was Kiara. That could've been anyone."

   I met Lilah through a mutual friend. She was specializing in culinary meaning she knew how to do baking. And do it well.

   "Just help me bake this fucking birthday cake."

   I talked to the records office of the university to find out Kiara's birthday but found out it was in two days. Two days and she said nothing.

   So Lilah was basically the fastest option I had. The only one at this moment.

   We managed to finish a tall layered cake. It was strawberry and it looked terrible. It was a train wreck in cake form.

   "You suck at this," Lilah said as she tried to adjust the cakes form.

   "You're the culinary girl. You were supposed to help me."

   "Not help. Guide."

   Lilah kept trying to tilt and cut pieces. She managed to make it semi okay.

   "This cake is beyond help," she laughed. She pulled out a little icing pack. "But write what you need?"

   I took the white icing and began writing 'Happy Birthday Darling' on it.

   "You're writing is shit."

   "Thanks Lilah, you're kindness strikes me."

   "Whatever she'll pity you and accept it."

   God she reminded me of my sister.

   Once the cake was done she threw it in the fridge and slipped her apron off. "I have to go now." Lilah collected her things. "Good luck tomorrow."

I was going to text Kiara and check up on her but there was no way for me to explain without spoiling the surprise.

"Tony!" I called. He walked in grumpily. Stupid bastard. "Why did you let Kiara in?"

He took a bite of a protein bar in his hand. "I forgot you had someone over."

"Seriously?" Tony shrugged before waltzing out.

I picked up my phone, sending Vienna a text.

How's Kiara?

Not sure. Why don't you ask her?

Don't be a smart ass.

She thinks you were studying with another girl.

You know that's not what I was doing.

I know. When are you giving her the cake?

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