Chapter Fourteen

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   I kept replying the events from last night

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   I kept replying the events from last night.

   He called me 'baby'. That was different. It made everything within me pound and sound ten times louder. Then this morning he endearingly kissed my head which gave me the same feeling.

   I decided to do some minor research as he showered.

   The tingly feeling in your stomach, was the first thing I typed in. A bunch of medical conditions came up to I decided to rephrase it.

   The nervous feeling you get when talking to a friend. It gave me a bunch of articles about social anxiety. I didn't have that. I just didn't know how to talk to people.

   Why does my heart rate increase when talking with him? The result that came up was medical description.

   I kept grazing over the different articles and landed on one in particular.

   Why your heart beats loud when you love someone.

   Love? I clicked on it. Once again it was medical terms.

   But it didn't explain anything. And I didn't think I was in love with Emmett. I mean, I know very little about love but I don't think I feel that.

   My hands hovered over the keyboard once more. Each letter rippled a thrill into my back.

   How to know if you love somebody? Enter. I clicked the first article I saw.

   A list read out:

   • You feel safe
   • You think of them often
   • You want to spend time together
   • You feel jealous

   Jealous? I'd never felt that either.

   I huffed, blowing a hair out of my face. There was no end to my questions and the answer always seemed further away.

   I closed my laptop and threw it on the charger.

   Emmett exited the shower soon enough, his hair messily tossed around. The shirt wasn't too big for him and he looked...good. And not the good decent but the good hot. Hot. I'd never used that word unless referring to the weather.

   "Hey darling. Thanks again for the extra shirt."

   "You're welcome."

   "What were you planning on doing for the rest of the day?"

   "Maybe the park and feed the ducks."

   "Sounds good. Let's go."

   I grabbed the loaf of bread before heading out with Emmett. We spent the most of the day at the park near the lake. Then we grabbed food on the way back at a small taco stand that resided in the same place since I began living in the area.

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