Chapter Thirty Seven

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   My mother was gone

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   My mother was gone. I cut her off. I sent a letter and an email, laying out every hateful detail I had for her. I told her everything I had pent up inside me, everything that was buried deep.

   And now, I was free. Free to go to London. Free to quit school and nursing. I was just me now. No strings attached.

   But as I sat in the airport, finally broken out of my shackles, I felt no better than I did yesterday nor the day before and so on.


   The way I left things was terrible. I didn't realize how screwed up I was until I was at my apartment, preparing to leave.

   I'd slept with him in retaliation of my mother. I wanted to be a whore. The whore she always despised.

    I was a hypocrite. I never wanted Emmett to do that to me but I did to to him. I never wanted him to hurt me but I hurt him. I said things, things I knew would pain him. Things I know I never meant, would never mean. I wanted to give him a reason to leave and to stop loving me.

   But he didn't. He stayed. He treaded through fire for me. Crashed and burned for me. Breathed for me. And what did I do? I ran.

   "Excuse me?" A frail voice broke me out of my thoughts. An elderly woman approached. She had shirt grey and white hair, but her skin looked smooth and she walked perfectly straight.

   "Yes ma'am?"

   "I couldn't help but notice, you look pained." The lady sat next to me, in an empty seat. "I know I'm a no good old lady that shouldn't pry at strangers business, but it's my grandmotherly instinct." She did carry that aura.

   "No, I don't think that of you."

   "I'm glad sweetheart." She smiled. "My name is Tuesday."

   "I'm Kiara."

   "Well Kiara, what is bringing you that pained look? Hm?" Her smile never faded. "And don't say nothing. I know pain."

   "Just complicated emotional things."

   "A boyfriend?"

   "A man," I corrected. "Someone important to me."

   "I see. You're in love?" She questioned.

   My face turned hot, scorching hot. "I actually don't know if I am. I told him I'm not. I told him I hated him."

   "Well do you?"

   "Of course not. I-I've just been confused. Blinded by what I thought was reality." I was explaining it so vaguely but Tuesday understood me crystal clear.

   "You want to know what love is like?" I nodded. "It's different for everyone. But I can tell you how I knew I loved my husband."

   "Please do."

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