Chapter Five

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   Abnormal. Abnormal. Abnormal.

   That word bothered me. It played in my mind over and over again.

   My brain was thumping and bringing back memories I never wanted in the first place.

   The blonde girl held out a small envelope towards me.

   I observed it and made an executive decision.

   "I have to study," I replied to Brie. She's in my science class and she is really dumb. She also never leaves my side.

   "But it's my fourteenth birthday party. It would mean a lot if you came."

   "I don't care about birthdays. Education is more important." I held the envelope up to return it to the now, tearful Brie. "Why are you crying?"

   "I hate you. No one will like a weirdo like you." Brie ran off and never came back.

   I never cared that my old acquaintance never came back. In fact, it was more of a relief than not. I didn't like the bother of her.

   Being called weird made no impact on me back then, but Emmett seeing me the same way caused a rippling anxiety within me. When he said I was abnormal I had an epiphany. The word weird was hurtful. It was bad.

   After completing my studies in the library I decided to go back to the apartment. I wiggled my bad key in the knob and eventually it opened. My bedroom light was on, shining through the small creek of the door.

   I pushed it open quietly, revealing the honey colored hair.


As soon as I made him aware of my presence he spun around. He held the small black gift bag that was addressed to him. An immediate fear ran over me. How did he know about that?

"Hi." Emmett set the bag on the desk. "I was just waiting for you and I kicked it on accident."

"Oh alright." I expected Emmett to continue talking as he always did but he didn't. "Why are you here?"

"I came to apologize for earlier," he spoke frantically. Emmett got up from the chair, taking a step in my direction. "I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad."

"You didn't hurt my feelings," I assured. "Other people have told me I am weird before."

"You're not weird or abnormal. Fuck, I didn't mean to say that earlier. I was trying to say something else and I got nervous —" I often hated when people rambled, so I decided to interrupt.

"What were you trying to say?"

Emmett shuffled in his feet, his Adams apple bobbing.

"I was just trying to tell you that I'll be here if you ever have anything on your mind." He slid something out of his back pocket. "I bought it." The Amazonite. "Please have it."

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