Chapter Eleven

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   Kiara was nestled into me

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Kiara was nestled into me. My mind and heart were racing in sync. Having her this close felt too good. I didn't deserve it.

I kept replying the party in my head. Seeing that douche touching her, gripping her. I was surprised I didn't completely obliterate him. Turn him into mush. I wanted to. I was about to but damn, Kiara reached out to me. I couldn't. Not if she didn't want.

But I know, if that ever happens again, I'll let all hell rain down.

Luckily, I had my spare key to their apartment so I didn't have to wake Kiara up. I walked to her bedroom and delicately slipped her onto her mattress.

I took a massive stretch, relieving my aching back. She wasn't heavy but I got worn down after a two mile walk with a person on my back.

I noticed Kiara's dress was hiking up, exposing her upper thighs. I quickly pulled it down, my face turning red.

"Jesus Christ. You aren't thirteen," I muttered to myself.

I then slid her shoes off and set her halo crown on the table. I tucked her legs under the covers and pulled them further up her chest.

Kiara wiggled around and let out a mumble. I froze, not wanting to wake her. Eventually she settled back down.

I took a seat on her vanity chair, watching over her sleeping body.

Thirty minutes went by and I heard a few bings coming from her phone, the screen lighting up. I ignored it at first but it kept spamming. I walked over to the bed so I could silence it. I slid the phone in my hands and another message appeared. My eyes strayed over it.

Answer me.

Then another. And another.

You got a C on your test.

You idiot child.

You failure.

I ran my eyes over every message, trying to process it the best I could. There was no possible way this was her Mother. The texts were ruthless. They progressively got more harsh. I silenced the phone and threw it back down.

I ran my hand through my hair and sat back down.

That was her parent. The Mother.

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