Chapter Eight

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   "I know what you're doing big bro

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   "I know what you're doing big bro." Vienna stated, sipping from that same nasty beer brand.

   "And what's that?"

   "You're only taking Kiara with you so you can look tough."

   A smug smile came over me. I didn't even try and hide my intentions. It didn't matter how obvious I was, Kiara would never know.

   "Am I?" I rhetorically asked.

   "You're sick."

   "Says the one who told her I was good at paddle boarding. If I'm sick then your sadistic."

   She took another swig of her beer before tossing the empty bottle in the trash. "She told me she had fun, so who cares if I lied?"

   I properly sat up, shifting my legs off the couch. "She said she had fun?"

   "No, I was just messing with you," Vienna snorted, slapping her leg in amusement. My face was straight not returning her vibe. "She told me how you fell off your board a lot. Considering she smiled while recounting the story, I figured she had a pretty good time."

   It was more than fun for me. Besides the fact that I was mentally shitting myself the whole time, I enjoyed floating around with her.

   And when she laughed. Fuck, I practically fell apart.

   Nothing had sounded as beautiful as that. No song or melody would compare to her laugh. She made me want to fall off my board.

   "Where is she anyways? We have to leave soon."

   "Not sure, her class ended thirty minutes ago. Maybe you should've picked her up from campus." My eyes widened and I sprinted up. "Oh jeez, don't tell me—"

   "Got to go!"

   I was so used to coming to her apartment that I forgot we agreed I'd pick her up on campus. I rushed over and noticed she was sitting against the cement wall, a book displayed on her lap. I got out and rushed over to her.

   "Kiara, sorry! I forgot we were supposed to meet here and not the apartment." She closed the book and got up. Little goosebumps appeared on her bare arms.

   "It's okay. I thought you just cancelled and I was about to head home."

   God. Is that what she thought this past half an hour? That I abandoned her.

   "Never," I assured. She followed me to the car and I opened the passenger door for her so she could slide in. I waited till she was secured before shutting it.

   As we drove, I messed with my music, skipping tracks I thought Kiara would dislike.

   "You have a lot of Queen in here," Kiara said, staring at the displayed song.

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