Chapter Nineteen

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   The cake was delicious

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The cake was delicious. The chunks of strawberries complimented the vanilla icing. The frosting was soft and sunk effortlessly on my tongue.

"So good!" I exclaimed. "I didn't know you baked?"

"I don't actually. I got help from a friend," Emmett confessed taking a bite of his own slice. "Ugh, it was that girl you saw two days ago in my apartment."

"I thought you were studying with her."

"No she said that as a cover. She was helping me find a fitting recipe."

"Oh that's nice." It gave me comfort knowing that she wasn't his study buddy.

After we finished eating I started to clean up along with Emmett and Vienna.

Vienna handed me a cute bag filled with a plethora of things. Cute animal pens to 'spruce' up my studying life and then an SD card.

"I've seen you secretly messing with that camera of yours. I figured it was time to take your own photos."

"This is a thoughtful gift. I'll make sure to use it." Vienna squeezed me tightly while making some coddling sounds. After a few seconds she was done.

"You're cute," she said, grabbing my cheek. Ouch. "I have to head to work so you head home with Emmett."

"Alright." Vienna sauntered off out of view.

   I went back to the table and picked up the rest of the cake and placing it in the box. Then, I tied the balloons around a water bottle I had.

   "Do you want me to toss the cake?"

   "No, I want to finish it. It's good."

   "You boost my ego darling." He grabbed the box from me, carrying it himself.

   "Thank you for setting this up. I wish you didn't go to the trouble."

   Emmett slid the cake in the back, buckling it in.

   "It wasn't trouble. I wanted to." He walked me to my side, buckling me in.

   The ride was silent, the only sound being the music in the back.

   Like always, Emmett walked me up and helped me put everything away and untangle the balloons.

"Thank you again."

   "You're welcome." Emmett shuffled in his pocket and pulled out a white bag. He slid a black box out and held it out. "Happy Birthday."

   "Emmett you already set everything up for me. I can't take more."

   "Today's special, remember?" He motioned for me to take it again and I did.

   Inside was a Jade crystal necklace. Each stone was so small but sparkled individually. It was modest in a good way.

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