Chapter Seventeen

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   His touch was scorching hot

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   His touch was scorching hot. Or maybe that was my face. Either way it made my heart race and my body go cold. I could feel goosebumps appearing on the side of my arms.

   Emmett released my face as I kept my gaze on him. I saw the bob of his throat. He moved closer to my face and looked down at my lips then back to my eyes. I didn't know what else to do but shut mine.

   I've never kissed anyone. I barely even saw people kissing. Did he want to kiss? Was he going to? I don't know how.

   But his lips didn't touch mine. The light peck came to my forehead. I fluttered my eyes open. Emmett leaned further back, making space.

   "I need to head home and give Tony his playstation."

   "Okay." Before I could scoot off he picked me up. I grasped his neck to avoid flailing. He then place me on my bed with my legs out.

   "See you tomorrow darling," he gave a second long smile.


   The next day, after my lectures, Emmett came by with his drill and screws. I pointed to where I wanted the picture placed and he started to make marks. He started the process and hung most of two of them.

   "Can I try?"

   "You want to drill a screw?" I nodded. He handed me the drill which was heavier than expected. "Hold it up to the mark and place the end in the back of the screw." I follow his directions. "Now start little by—"

   I interrupted him by vigorously pressing the button, drilling a massive hole into the wall. The dust fell onto my bed. "Oh," I said solemnly. "That doesn't look right."

   "It's a tiny bit...bigger than needed."

   "Here," I said offering the drill up.

   "Let's try again," Emmett said, grabbing the stray screw from the wall. He held it up to the wall, leading my arm to it. I connected the ends once more. "Now gently press," he said leading my finger on the trigger. I barely touched it and it started to go and little by little we added more pressure. "It looks good."

   I backed up, dropping the drill to my side. I observed the perfectly drilled screw. It stuck out only slightly. "Yeah," I agreed.

   I grabbed the last photograph before displaying it. Seeing all three of the together like this was magical. It somehow looked ever better than before.

   "Thank you for the help."

   "No problem," Emmett said while wiping the stray dust off. He treaded to the kitchen and began washing his hands off. "Do you need anything else?"

   "I don't think so. I'm just going to go back to my studies."

   "Okay. I'll check up with you later darling."

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