Chapter Thirty Six

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warning: mature content

   A thud came from the side of Kiara's door

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A thud came from the side of Kiara's door. It didn't sound too bad so I paid no mind to it but a few minutes later, the sound of shattering glass rang through. It was so loud it felt as if the door wasn't there.

I jumped up, banging on the door.

"Kiara!" I screamed. "Are you okay?"

   Nothing. "Kiara!" My banging continued. Still there was no response. I became frantic and started kicking the stubborn lock. At the fifth kick or so, the door flew open.

   Kiara was standing in front of a broken mirror, shards covering the floor. She stared down at her dripping knuckles. It took me a few seconds to realize it was blood.

   "Kiara, what happened?" I walked over, grabbing her hand. She didn't look at me. She looked at the same spot on the floor. "Hey," I said softly. "We need to clean this and make sure you don't need stitches."

   "I don't care. Let me bleed."

   "That's not happening," I pulled her arm but she was glued to the floor. "You're hurting." In more ways than one, I thought to myself. "Let me help you, that's all I ask." She let me lead her to the long counter in the restroom.

   I moved around and found a first aid kit. I pulled out some pads, disinfectant, and cotton hand wrap. I lifted her on the counter before wetting a towel and wiping away most of the blood. There was definitely going to be scrapes and bruises. "Nothing's deep, that's good."Next I took a wipe and gently rubbed some dry blood away. Then I pulled out the disinfectant. Unlike the day on her birthday, she didn't flinch away. She let me successfully patch her up, putting the wrap around her knuckles.

   She didn't say anything. All she did was get off the table, walk to her bed and curl up in the sheets. The door lock was still broke, creaking the door open but she didn't seem to care.

   Empty. My darling looked hollow.

   I took my place next to her, as I always did before. I wrapped my arms around her, tugging her to my body. She didn't resist but she also didn't fall into me as she used to.

   "I know you're hurting. You've suffered without even knowing. You feel things without understanding them. You're lost."

   "Shut up," she whispered.

   "You're not broken. You're not damaged. You're perfect," I continued.

   "Shut up," she repeated.

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