Chapter Nine

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   My sneezing was on repeat

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My sneezing was on repeat. My eyes felt swollen from the constant watering and my body felt frail.

I couldn't remember the last time I was sick. Then again, I never went out in the freezing cold until recently.

"Hey love," Vienna greeted. "I'm getting soup from the deli. What type do you want?"

"Any," I sniffled.

"Okay. I'm gonna go pick it up. I'll be back soon." I gave a weak nod and she treading away.

My mother was beyond fuming when she heard I was sick. She kept asking how it was possible and I lied saying it was from a fellow student. She gave up in the end and told me to get better quickly.

Somehow I felt worse as I awoke from a short nap. My body ached in so many ways. Just sitting up felt like a chore. My toes hit the carpet and it took me a few tries to hold myself up. I headed to the kitchen, a blanket wrapped around me. I tried reaching for a water glass in the top shelf but I moved my head quickly, disorientating me. I fell back and the glass came with me, shattering on the floor.

I ignored the glass and stayed on the floor, curling up and closing my eyes. I didn't want to get up. Or maybe I just couldn't. I hated this. Being incapable. Not being in control.

A wild shaking made me groan and flutter awake. The top half of my curled body huddled into a hard chest.

"Oh my god Kiara. Thank god."

"Emmett." I said with a crackling voice. I was still huddled into his chest. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't see you around these past two days and then Vienna told me you were sick so I came to check on you and then you were on the floor and there's glass—"

"I'm okay. Just sleeping."

"The glass?"

"I tried getting the glass but failed." It came out as a whine. "I failed."

My body got swooped out and I let out a pained sound. Emmett walked me to my room, placing me back in my sheets. He began to turn away and a desperation flooded me. It raised an anxiety I had. I sat up and grabbed his hand.

"Please don't leave."

"I'm just—"

"Stay," I pleaded. "I don't want you to go."

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