Chapter Twenty One

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   The restaurant was dark

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   The restaurant was dark. Very much so that the only thing giving me light was the lights from the table tops. I found my way by staying behind Dominic and following him to the table. He pulled the chair out for me and pushed me in. He reminded me of Emmett. In the small way being their chivalry.

   We quickly ordered on an electronic tablet before our real conversations began.

   "Thank you for the photographs."

   "You're welcome. I figured you deserved something special for your birthday."

   "They were definitely special." They were more photographs of Australia. A note came attached informing they were unreleased.

   Our waitress came by, dropping two drinks in front of us. Dominic instantly took a sip before setting it back down on the small cocktail napkin.

   "So, Kiara. What made you have such an eye for art? Specifically photographs."

   "My father is a photographer. I think he still is. I remember him always lugging his camera around and I suppose I picked up a thing or two."

   "Have you taken photographs yourself?"

   "I just started to actually. Vienna gave me a new SD card."

   "Ah. You should email some of them over. I'd love to look."

   I twiddled my fingers. "I-I'm no good."

   "You're a natural I bet." Dominic crossed his hands and leaned forward. "I'm actually looking for freelance photographers and a manager for a new art museum."

   "Where at?"

   "London." I froze from messing with my straw. "I know it's a big job. A big ask. I'm aware it's asking somebody to go to a different country. Hell, a different continent."

   "A—Are you offering me the position?"

   "It's yours if you want it."

   My breath hitched. Mine. I could move to London. Live there?

   "What about school? And all my obligations here?"

   "You'd be able to finish your courses online. You could move whenever you'd like. Of course the gallery opens in February."

   Three months.

   "But if you needed, I could get a temporary manager and you could take over whenever you wished. You could finish this year if you wanted."

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