Chapter 2: The Pinkie promise

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"Do you really have to go?"

Two children stood by the forest, not far away from the village. Trees here were covered with snow, like the rest of the nation, heavy white substance weighting their branches down. You could hear cracking sounds further in the forest as some of the trees were too weak to resist the pressure harsh Snezhnaya winter has put on them.

6 year old girl could only look at the ground with her eyes closed and nod. Boy, who was 1 year older than her, standing in front of her now also looked down, his eyes filling with sadness.

They both knew very well that this day will come and Charlotte will have to leave together with her family for her father adventurer business. Yet, during the 7 months they spent together, they got really close to each other. It was hard to imagine how are they going to spend their days without playing next to fireplace, having snowball fights and telling each other stories about their fathers' adventures while enjoying hot chocolate.

Cold wind started carrying snowflakes around, informing about the upcoming blizzard. Cryo nation's eternal winter was merciless, it snowed most of the time here, temperature never rising above -10*C.

Suddenly, boy pulled the girl in warm hug. It was hard to hug outside, wearing at least 4 layers of clothes to fight back the harsh weather conditions, but they still managed.

"Doesn't matter! I'll become an adventurer like my father, travel the Teyvat and find you again! I promise!"

Girl's eyes widened at boy's promise. He soon let go of their hug, reaching out his gloved hand for her, all fingers, except for his pinkie, folded.

"It's a pinky promise!" ginger boy looked at her with serious eyes, full of hope.

Charlotte reached out her pinkie too crossing it with his. They both began chanting old nursery rhyme:

"You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life. You break the pinkie promise, i throw you on the ice. The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again!"

Both children laughed, girl jumped in her friend's embrace. Poor ginger boy lost balance making them both fall on the ground, in a nearby snowbank and get buried by fresh, fluffy snow. Girl and boy started laughing even harder as they couldn't stand up due to slippery ground.

Soon enough their struggles to stand up turned into a friendly snow fight. The blizzard was getting stronger, but children couldn't care less. The only things they were focused on were each other, distance between them and the trajectory they were throwing snowballs. Laughter got louder and louder, freezing Snezhnaya's wind caring it far, far away.

The same wind also carried the thing they were scared of most.

"Charlotte?!.... Charlotte!!"

It was the voice of father looking for his precious daughter. Both kids froze to place, looking at the direction where it came from. All laughter was suddenly gone as they realized everything will soon be over.

Girl looked down, tears forming in her eyes. Her family never stayed in the same nation longer than 1 year, they spent most of their time on the road. She had no friends. When they arrived to Snezhnaya, incredible blizzard started. It froze the port. No matter how hard people tried, they couldn't get rid of ice and free the boats stuck in it. Even pyro visions didn't help. Her family was forced to stay here for a lot longer than expected, and this is how she met her first friend, the same ginger boy who was just playing with her a moment ago. The thought of losing her only friend scared her. What will she do? She'll be left alone once again. She-

Sudden warm embrace stopped her train of depressive thoughts.

"Don't cry... I pinky-promised! One day, I'll find you! And once I find you, I'll marry you! We can then explore Teyvat together! Go on adventures just like our fathers!" said the ginger boy when tightening the hug.

Girl felt a lot better. She hugged him back. For the last time.

"Thank you, Ajax..."

Children stood in tight embrace. Snezhnaya's weather was so harsh, that you could freeze to death if you didn't keep moving. The hug between 2 warm bodies helped them resist the coldness.

"Charlotte!! Boat is leaving! Hurry!!"

"Coming!" she shouted back.

Children smiled at each other and waved for the last time.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now