Chapter 64: Love's Eternity

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"We're home!" Ajax shouted overstepping the doorstep of the vestibule.

Charlotte made sure to step slightly bigger steps to keep up with her boyfriend – his arm was wrapped firmly around her waist as he held her close.

"Well, well, would you look at that." Sergei stepped out of the dining room, Tatyana with a glass of water behind him. "Lovebirds have returned."

"Hmm..." Childe blushed, taking a quick, sneaky glance at his girl. "Yeah, we have."

"Strange of you to not start complaining about us calling you two lovebirds." Tatyana shrugged, putting the glass to her lips once again, downing the rest of the water left.

"We're official now." 11th Harbinger's voice sounded proud.

Childe's elder sister choked on her water, spraying it all out as she started coughing. Sergei didn't seem to be so surprised – he was more concerned about his sister's well-being.

"T-Tanya? Are you alright?!" Charlotte freed herself from Childe's grip, rushing to help.

"O-Official?!" a woman with curly ginger hair raised her eyes, staring at the girl and her brother in front of her. "For real?!"

"Y-Yeah..." Ajax scratched the back of his head shyly.

"O-Oh wow..." it seemed like she was coming to her senses. "Wow, congratulations!"

Before 12th Harbinger could react, she was already squeezed by Tatyana in a tight embrace. It felt like the entire air was pushed out of the poor girl's lungs.

"Congrats, Charlotte!! I knew the day will come! I knew it!"

"T-Thank you b-but it's h-hard to b-breathe-"

"Oh and of course! My little brother!" brunette was left forgotten as the elder sister focused her attention on her little brother. "You finally did it, Ajax. Your big sister is proud!"

Childe spread his arms for a hug but instead of a nice embrace, he got a pretty aggressive pat on the back.

"H-Hey! Why does Charlotte get a hug and I don't?!" he pouted.

"I hope you realize it's nearly midnight and most of the house is asleep..." a middle-aged woman seemed to show up out of nowhere.

"Sorry, mom. We were just-"

"Ajax and Charlotte are dating!" Tatyana cut her little brother off, not wasting time announcing the news.

"Oh?" mother seemed surprised but smiled. "Congratulations, Ajax, Charlotte. I wish you a long-lasting and loving, loyal relationship. Now, however, it would be great if all of you went to bed. Yes, including you too, Tatyana."

"Whaaat? But-"

"No buts. Or you will be on cooking duty instead of me tomorrow."

Knowing that she will have to wake up super early in the morning, the curly-haired woman sighed, wished everyone goodbye, and disappeared. Sergei was already gone.

"Goodnight, mother."


The couple went upstairs, straight to their room, and started to prepare to go to sleep. One by one, Childe going first, they went to the shower and to change into their sleeping clothes.

Charlotte put her pajama shirt on and hung the wet towel on the heater to dry. Stepping out of the bathroom, the first thing she saw was a familiar figure in her bed. Noticing that she's done, Ajax turned to face her, lifting the corner of the blanket invitingly.

"Come here, girlie~"

"Are you sure about it?" brunette stepped closer.

"Absolutely! Even when we weren't a couple yet, we would sleep together sometimes. What changed now? C'mon! Your boyfriend wants cuddles!"

Seeing his mastered puppy face, the girl couldn't help but agree. She laid down, snuggling close to his chest and letting Ajax embrace her. Shared bodies warmth felt nice and relaxing.

"Since when have you become so clingy?" she asked with a smile on her face.

She looked up to see his adorable blushy face. The young male looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. Charlotte chuckled seeing his cheeks darken more, a blush spreading even to his ear tips.

"It's just... W-When I was younger, when I returned from the abyss and became a teenager who causes trouble everywhere he was present, my father would always lecture me. The day before he handed me over to Fatui, he said that being the way I am, I won't be able to have any friends... The same goes for a lover..."

Childe focused his attention back on the girl in his arms. His hand wandered on her cheek, gently stroking it as a bunch of emotions were visible in his dark blue orbs.

"At first, all I cared about was fighting. A significant other and love weren't on my mind. Yet, after I started going on various missions in the foreign lands, I saw many couples walking around together, holding hands, hugging, even proposing... I couldn't understand what kind of feeling that was. Remembering my father's words, I decided to not pay attention anymore and focus on my pursuit of becoming stronger. At least, until I met you..."

This time, the girl could feel her cheeks heat up too. Feeling her skin warm up under his fingertips, Ajax smiled.

"So if I'm being honest... I'm really happy that my feelings for you turned out to be not one-sided. I love you, Charlotte. I really do. I'm sorry if I become clingy. It's just... one of the ways I can reassure myself that I'm loved..."

"Never doubt my love for you. I love you so much, Starconch." Said the girl before gently kissing boy's forehead.


Ajax lift his head up to look directly into those dark green eyes of his girlfriend. Dark blush spread through his cheeks, all the way to his eartips. Charlotte couldn't help but giggle.

"Do you like your new nickname? I told you I will catch you off guard too!"

"H-Hmph..." ginger buried his face in her chest once more.

"You didn't answer my question~"

"I..." Ajax mumbled. "I love it..."

"I'm glad." She gently ruffled his hair. "Let's go to sleep now, shall we?"

"Get used to sleeping together every night starting today." Ginger pulled his girlfriend closer.

"Do I have a choice?" Charlotte sighed with a smile on her face, making her boyfriend laugh. "Goodnight, Starconch."

"Sweet dreams, my стрекоза."

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep. Before entering the Land of Dreams, both of them thought about Ajax's mother's wish for them – a long-lasting and loving relationship. Both lovers knew that this wish was really cute but unnecessary – they already had a mutual feeling that after everything they've been through together, they'll stay by each other's side until the end of time.

Asteyvatians often say: true love doesn't have a good ending – true love has noending and lasts for eternity.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now