Chapter 17: The Mysterious Traveler

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Going to sleep early yesterday let Charlotte wake up early next day. It was the day when the rite will be held...

Getting out of bed and doing the whole morning routine such as shower, girl went to the kitchen, grabbing a quick snack for breakfast. She didn't feel too hungry and getting out in town as soon as possible was important for her too.

Even if it was barely past 7 in the morning, the city was already awake, people walking here and there, talking about the upcoming rite. Charlotte decided to not pay attention to the people and walk around the city to get used to her new surroundings.

Despite Rite of Descencion being one of major events in Liyue, city didn't seem to make a big deal of it – it looked completely ordinary, no decorations nor any special details. Only Yujing Terrace, the place where the rite is going to be held, was decorated a bit, all items needed for it already brought here.

After inspecting and making herself familiar with the territory, Charlotte decided to go on a stroll around the city with no particular aim. Fresh and chilly morning air was nice, leaving her no choice but to enjoy her walk.

Girl also stopped at the Wanmin restaurant to grab something proper for breakfast, not just a cookie as she did this morning. Now that she had eaten and had restored her energy, she was ready to go on a walk again.

A bulletin board with many adventurer's guild commissions and other announcements caught her attention. She was so interested reading the entire commissions list that she didn't even notice being approached.

"Ahem! Hello?? Are you here with us?" said a squeaky voice, bringing Charlotte back to reality.

Brunette turned to face her approaches with curious look. Her eyes slightly widened: there stood a blonde girl, shorter than her, with golden eyes and white as snowflake dress. There was also another, child-like girl floating near her, looking like a fairy. They both looked exactly like what Charlotte read on the report she received a few days ago. Her target just came straight to her... How easy is it all?

"Oh, sorry. I was a bit into reading and didn't even notice you. Please forgive me..." Charlotte apologized, scratching the back of her neck and awkwardly smiling.

"It's okay. May I ask you something?" blonde girl's voice was gentle and soothing, even.

"Yes, of course. I can't promise I will answer, though." Charlotte smiled, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Eh? What is that supposed to mean? Aren't you a local?" asked the floating fairy in the same squeaky voice.

"Not really, but... Been in Liyue a few times, so you can also say that I am. What is it that's bothering you, uh..."

"Lumine. Name's Lumine."

"Yes! This is Mondstad's Honorary Knight Lumine, the Traveler from the other world!"

"Paimon..." Lumine's voice got slightly cold and strict as she looked at the floating fairy with angry face.

"What? Paimon just wanted to give her sidekick a good introduction!"

Charlotte was surprised how well her mission was going. She only met the famous Traveler a minute ago and she already got her and her... sidekick's? names.

"Oh, so you're the Traveler everyone is talking about. It's nice to meet you. So tell me, Lumine and Paimon, what's the problem you're facing?"

"We came here for the Rite of Descencion! Do you happen to know anything about it?" asked the floating fairy.

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