Chapter 28: Whale and Dragonfly

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The night life of Liyue was truly mesmerizing, especially from the top of the cliff. Lanterns illuminated the streets, you could hear many people chatting and merchants advertising the stuff they were selling. Despite the Osial incident happening just a few hours ago, everything seemed to be back to normal.

"Fuuf... Huh... Would you... Like to stop for a bit?" ginger boy dragging behind the brunette breathed heavily. "It's not easy to be so energetic after using Foul Legacy, you know?"

"We're almost here... But we can stop and rest for a bit down there." Girl pointed at the cliff side, partly facing the beach, partly – Liyue Harbor.

Boy sighed, following after her. The moment they reached their resting spot, he immediately sat down on the ground, leaning his back to the tree log. His breath was slowly coming back to him, he could finally relax.

He soon lifted his head up, looking at his friend. Charlotte stood in front of him, her one leg on top of the nearby rock as she gazed into the horizon of the sea and starry sky above it. Her soft hair were flowing in gentle breeze as moonlight shone right on her. Ajax found it hard to take his eyes off of her – only now has he realized just how beautiful she actually was.

Girl soon lifted her eyes up in the sky, it seemed like she was counting the stars. 11th Harbinger followed her example, looking up too. The moment he did, a shooting star crossed the sky.

"Oh hey! A shooting star! Think of a wish!" Childe seemed cheerful, closing his eyes as he thought of his wish.

To this, Charlotte only sighed.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you."

"Huh?! Why?" her words confused the ginger head.

"M..." girl made a small pause. "My father once discovered an old book on his journeys and gave it to me to read it. There was a legend about shooting stars. It's said that whenever a new life comes to this world, new stars light up and form a new constellation. When it's time for one to depart..." her voice sounded quite serious, yet emotional, "Some stars abandon the sky together with the one leaving this world." she sighed. "But it's just a legend. Forget what I said."

"Hmm... Interesting..." boy saw that Charlotte was quite embarrassed for saying this since she thought it sounded like nonsense. Yet to him it really did sound interesting. "Are you interested in stars?"

"To a certain level, yes. I know just a few things, the ones my father told me. Constellations and navigation using certain star patterns... Not much."

Girl turned around, walking over to sit down under the tree next to her companion. Ocean-eyed man didn't seem to be able to take his eyes off of the sky. He soon lifted his hand up, pointing at a specific group of stars.

"That's my constellation." He said, small smile on his face.

Charlotte looked up too.

"Monoceros Caeli? Celestial Narwhal? That explains your whale-summoning attack." she said sarcastically, resulting Childe to laugh.

"Yep! What's yours?" he looked at the girl sitting beside him curiously.

12th Harbinger was investigating the small white sparkles in the black sky, soon pointing at another constellation that wasn't too far from Monoceros Caeli.

"Odonata Umbrosa, Shadow Dragonfly." She retreated her arm, hugging her knees.

"Oh... Well, shadow part explains why you're always dressed in black." He snickered, making girl huff as well. "You told me a story of this Dragonfly. How about I tell you a story about Monoceros Caeli now?"

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now