Chapter 50: Revival, Love and Truth

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"Please, listen-"

"No! I won't allow you to bury that woman next to my son! Not after she was the reason why he died!"

"She also saved your son!!"

Ajax's mother and father stared at each other with furious gazes. This argument has been going on for 2 days already. Ever since the incident with Teucer and the Abyss happened, Charlotte's body has been laid in a pretty simple coffin and locked up in the basement until things about her funeral will be decided.

She was an orphan – her entire family was dead and buried gods know where. Anyone barely knew a thing or two about her, so naturally, she should have been laid to rest simply, with no grand ceremony.

Yet, Ajax's mother thought of her as her own daughter. If her son saw something in Charlotte that made him want to be friends, that meant she was no ordinary. Lastly and most importantly – she was the very same girl who sacrificed herself to save Teucer.

"She deserves it!"

"Like hell she does! Even if she saved Teucer, that doesn't mean she's a hero!"

"She has paid with her own life and blood for all the wrongs she did! You don't even know what exactly happened when Ajax died! How can you blame her?!"

"How can you defend her?! You don't know either!"

"Ajax would want this!"

"You can't know this eith-"

The argument in the kitchen was cut off by a knock on the outside door. Both adults stopped arguing, glancing at the hallway leading to the main entrance of their house.

"I will open. Stay here and try to get rid of your silly stubbornness. We will talk later." Ajax's mother said strictly, walking out.

The moment she got close to the door, a knocking was heard once again.

"Seems important. Are we waiting for anyone?" Sergei, the eldest child in the family, now a fully matured adult, said sleepily.

"Not that I was informed about any formal visit..." Ajax's mother sighed, unlocking the door and opening it. "Hello, how may we- Your Majesty?!"

"Good day." Cryo Archon greeted, stepping aside.

Ajax's mother gasped, tears gathering in her eyes. Sergei's eyes widened, his sleepiness disappearing in less than a second.

Behind Tsaritsa stood one of the Fatui Vanguards, holding Ajax's wounded body. Behind him clustered young enough, in their 30s, 3 girls and 1 guy. All of them were carrying a bag with a red cross in the white background, revealing their purpose – all of them were doctors, ready to help the wounded.

"Please, don't panic. I will explain everything shortly. Show Ajax's room to this gentleman and the doctors, so they could immediately start treating his wounds."

"O-Of course. Please, follow me." Ajax's mother was all shaking, current reality events being a bit too much for her to handle.

"Where's Charlotte?"

"S-She... She's gone... When we found her in the forest, it was already too late. She bled to death..." Sergei said confused, still unable to process the reality.

Tsaritsa sighed, her eyes showing slight annoyance.

"Her body, I mean. Where's her body? You haven't buried it yet, have you?"

"Oh, no no. We were only getting ready to lay her down to rest. Her body is in the coffin in our basement." Sergei's confused voice was shaking.

"Get her out of that box. Both, she and Ajax, have been brought back to life. Her wounds will need treatment as well. No time to waste, hurry."

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