Chapter 62: Party Gone Wrong

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Despite Ajax's family being very cautious about their son's and his friend's job, they still agreed to celebrate their promotion. Childe managed to convince them that after all the recent events, they became Tsaritsa's favorites and she'll keep an eye on them much more than she did previously.

A small urgent party that the family organized on spot consisted of drinking shots, snacking, talking about various stuff, and celebrating in general. Charlotte resisted even having a taste of alcohol, saying she doesn't want to have headaches the next morning.

"Are you sure? C'mon, one glass won't hurt!" Ajax offered her a glass of see-through liquid while holding a bottle of Fire Water in his other hand. "Fire Water is strong but your alcohol toleration has to be super low to get intoxicated from this amount."

"Ajax, I'm sure, really. I'm fine with my non-alcohol children's champagne." The girl raised a glass of pink drink.

"We only call it champagne. It's uh..." Tonia, the eldest of the 3 youngsters, inspected the bottle. "Sparkly strawberry and raspberry juice."

"As long as it's tasty." Brunette took a sip.

The celebration went quite late into the night. Ajax, despite obviously having had a bit too much to drink, seemed to be still in the right mind. He stood up from the table, his body swaying a bit.

"Listen- *hiccup*... I-... I gotta work... T-tomorrow..." he placed down the empty glass, patting Charlotte on the shoulder. "Les go, Zanni... Time to- *hiccup* sleep..."

"Uh-huh. I will escort you. Goodnight everyone." Charlotte friendly said before throwing Ajax's left arm around her shoulder and leaving the dining room.

Good thing youngsters were already asleep and they didn't get to witness their heroic big brother in the state like this. Leading the 11th Harbinger to the bedroom on the 2nd floor seemed like moving mountains.

Not only did he keep resisting, saying that he didn't need her help but his legs also seemed to have an opinion of their own – Ajax nearly fell over after stepping on the very first stairs step. Not to mention, another 23 steps were waiting ahead...

After what seemed like ages, ginger was already back in the bedroom, sitting on the bed.

"You will need to take your jacket off or you will hurt yourself with the badges on your chest. Knowing you and your current condition, you will manage to choke yourself with your scarf as well..."

"Oooh~ *hiccup* Want to undress me, eh~ *hiccup* girlie~?" Childe giggled. "I like it... Please pro- *hiccup* proceed..."

Charlotte facepalmed seeing how hopeless he was. Of course, being naïve that she was currently, she decided to lend him a hand and take his jacket off, leaving him only with his t-shirt on. She wasn't gonna go any further.

As soon as she took it off, folded it, and turned around to put it on his nightstand, Ajax wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her down. In mere seconds, the girl found herself sitting in her friend's lap, her cheeks burning from embarrassment.


"Hey, girlie~" ginger giggled once again, snuggling close to her body and rubbing gentle circles on her waist. "Hold still~"

"Ajax, you little-"

11th Harbinger, like any other of his 12 comrades, was famous for outstanding strength. However, the alcohol intake that he just had seemed to leave him absolutely powerless and it took only a little force for the girl to escape his grip in seconds.

In some way, for a completely unknown reason, Childe managed to lose his balance while sitting and was forced to lay down.

"Ajax, in the middle of the celebration, I told you, I TOLD you that maybe it was enough. But no, no, of course, you just had to drink more! Look at yourself!"

This was the first time ginger has seen Charlotte snap. He was looking at her with a sad look. After she was done, he just sighed, looking away at the ground.


The kicked puppy face he was making made the girl regret her actions. She sighed, coming closer.

"We will talk tomorrow, okay? Now forget about it all and get some rest." She pulled the blanket over the man, tucking him in like a baby.

"Goodnight, Charlotte..."

"Sweet dreams, Ajax."

Childe fell asleep in the blink of an eye. The girl sighed once again, petting his hair softly as she watched him sleep – his peaceful expression made it hard to take her eyes off of it.

All of the sudden, the door opened, revealing the pretty tall girl with curly ginger hair.

"Heyyy! My favorite little brother and his girlfri- I mean, his friend!" Tatyana seemed to have overdosed on alcohol a bit too.

"Shhh... Tanya, Ajax is already asleep. Be quiet, can you?"

"Asleep? Ooooh... Okay." Woman chuckled. "If he's sleeping, then why aren't you, huuuh?"

"I was about to go myself."

"Cool. Then let me help you."

Charlotte wasn't given a chance to even react before she was pushed down on the bed, right next to Ajax.


"Shhh. Little brother is sleeping." The curly-haired sister of Ajax shushed, pulling a blanket up and covering Charlotte with it. "Ajax seemed to have quite a bit to drink. He will feel lonely... Keep him company, would you?"

"Tanya, I think you're the one who had too much to drink." Brunette hissed.

"Come now... I'm just doing you a favor~" seeing that the two of them were now snuggled, Tatyana started walking to the exit. "I will see you in the morning! Goodnight."

The door to the bedroom closed, leaving the pair finally alone. Charlotte couldn't believe what was happening but it was too late and she was too tired to even begin figuring it out.

The girl tried to move but something was keeping her in place. After she moved once more, the binds tightened even more – only then has she realized that while she was busy arguing with Tatyana, Ajax's arms have slithered around her waist and kept her close.

Blushing and knowing that this time she won't escape, the brunette decided to give up. Gently petting her friend's hair one more time, she then hugged him, keeping him in a safe embrace.

Hereyes started to close and she didn't even notice how she entered the Land ofDreams too.


A.N: Hello there! It just so happens that i will be busy next week and next-next week I'm going on holiday (which also means leaving my laptop at home). I decided to upload the chapters ahead of time. Coincidentally, just a few chapter left and we're about to reach the end. 

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now