Chapter 41: Lessons To Not Forget

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Charlotte left the Throne hall in a pretty fast phase. After all, she had businesses to attend to.

"Last Shadow..."

Zanni stopped in her tracks hearing the arrogant voice of a certain colleague. Looking over her shoulder, she raised an eyebrow.

"Need something, Fair Lady?"

Signora stepped closer in her majestic catwalk, one arm resting on her chest while the other partly raised up as it was her casual posture. She was looking down on the younger girl.

"Usually our Last Shadow is in high spirits, always ready to complete the missions assigned to her. Now, however..." she stopped, investigating Charlotte. "You look like a kicked stray dog with your tail between your legs out of shame."

"Just get to the point, Signora. I don't have time or willingness to listen to your arrogant voice making fun of me. What is it?" the girl snapped back in a cold voice, turning a bit more to her, but continuing to face her back on the blonde woman.

"Hm... Apart from that time in Northland Bank, I remember you being way kinder. I got a few minutes before my time of audience with Tsaritsa about the upcoming mission in Inazuma, so I just stopped to chat. Yet, I get such a cold, unusual answer. Honestly, did you know your kindness created a chaos in Fatui headquarters once? There were so many agents, skirmishers, and even cicin mages wishing to work under your control. In the end, it was assumed that the word got out about you being a sweetheart."

Charlotte just stared coldly, having no energy to argue. Or was it that the current events and sleepless nights filled with crying hours numbed her emotions so much that she didn't feel anger anymore?

Signora only laughed.

"Don't look at me like that. Say, are you like this due to current events? Because of him?"

Brunette's eyes widened. Now that was a painful hit to exactly where it hurts.

"So it is because of him, m..." Signora stared at her before sighing. "Listen, Last Shadow. This world is far from fair. I'd advise you to get used to it. We, Harbingers, have a mission to help her Majesty the Tsaritsa reach her goals. Don't let something like this stop you. I lost a lover too, you know? What a man he was..."

Charlotte raised her eyebrow at this.

"Has your lover shielded you from death right in front of your eyes? Has your lover bled to death in your arms? Was he the only one person you had left in this cruel world? Have your parent's throats been sliced right in front of your eyes? Has your sister been burned alive? Do you still hear her agonizing screams in your head whenever you try to get some sleep...?"

The brunette stared into Signora's purple eyes who looked back at her with slight suspicion, maybe confusion and surprise. After finishing her question attack, Charlotte made a pause before continuing:

"To most, if not all, of these questions your answer is a 'no', yes? We went through different things, both painful in their own way. I won't judge." She turned around again. "I don't think we have anything else left to discuss. Good luck in Inazuma." Charlotte started moving down the corridor again, to Zapolyarny palace's exit.

"Good luck to you too, Last Shadow."

Making her way out of the palace, Charlotte turned in the direction of Childe's mansion. There was a small graveyard not too far from there, so she figured he'll most likely be laid to rest there.

Cold Snezhnaya's wind blew, clearing her thoughts. At least, most of them. She couldn't forget the talk with Signora she just had. Overthinking lead the girl to remembering some lessons she has learned in life.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now