Chapter 8: Part of the truth

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If Charlotte had to describe how the dinner went, she would have said only 1 word: Awkward. She still felt like a stranger here, despite Ajax's family members making conversations with her.

Finally, the dinner was over and everyone left. Trying her best to fit in, Charlotte offered Ajax's mother to help clean up. After all, family of 9 plus 1 guest's dinner did come with a cost of many dirty dishes and a pretty messy kitchen.

"Thank you for your kindness, Charlotte." Mother smiled at the young girl who was lifting up her shirt sleeves, getting ready to wash dishes.

"Think nothing of it, miss- I mean... M-Mom..." Charlotte blushed from embarrassment, still unable to get used to using word 'mom' again.

Girl started washing the dishes, handing the clean, but wet plates for mother who dried them up with a towel. There was an awkward silence for a minute or two before Ajax's mother decided to speak once again.

"Charlotte?" she addressed the young girl.

"Yes?" Charlotte looked up, tilting her head to the side a bit, curious and a bit concerned.

It was way too clear that the middle-aged lady in front of her was doubting whether to say what she intended to say or to keep it for herself. In the end, she sighed heavily.

"Be careful around Ajax..." she was looking away, but Charlotte could still read out sadness in her eyes.

"Why? If I may ask...? It's okay if you don't want me to know, there's no need to-"

"No, you deserve to know, Charlotte." Mother sighed again, drying the clean soup bowl. "Once you and your family left Snezhnaya... When you and Ajax were still children... Something happened..."

Charlotte washed the last plate, turning off the tap. Her eyes never left doubtful lady's face, really concerned about the upcoming story.

"A few years later, when he was 14... Ajax ran away from home..." Charlotte's eyes widened a bit, as it was completely unexpected. He used to be a shy, but very good boy. "He was gone for 3 days. Me, his father and older siblings were looking for him all over. Finally, we found him unconscious in the middle of the forest. We are guessing he ran out of food and was also chased by packs of wolves. My poor Ajax..."

Charlotte stepped a step closer, placing her hand on woman's shoulder, squeezing it gently to reassure her. Woman only looked back, giving her a smile.

"Ajax didn't have a single scratch on him... But... Ever since the day we found him, he wasn't the same..."

"What do you mean?" curiously and anxiously asked Charlotte.

Mother stayed silent for a while, closing her eyes and sighing before continuing.

"He couldn't stay still even for 1 minute, trying his best to get out of home at the very first opportunity he'd get. If he managed to get out... He'd go around the village, picking fights here and there..."

Charlotte was horrified. She already knew that the old Ajax was gone, but she didn't expect that situation was THIS bad.

"A few chaotic and troublesome months later, his father took him to Fatui... He thought harsh army treatment might knock some common sense into him but... Unfortunately, Ajax felt like at home in Fatui. He rose in his ranks quicker than anyone ever did and eventually..." mother looked back at the empty doorway, making sure any of the youngsters wasn't there. "He became a Harbinger..."

Girl was too shocked to even say anything. The situation seemed to be way more serious than she has expected it to be.

"So this whole toy seller act..."

"Yes, it's just to keep it away from youngsters... Ajax came up with it himself." For the first time in a conversation, woman smiled. "Despite being one of The Eleven, he seems to still have his moments. He loves his little siblings and will do whatever it takes to protect their childhood dreams... And a toy seller... It's a dream job of a child, don't you think?"

"It is indeed." Charlotte nodded in absolute agreement.

"May I ask you something, Charlotte?" mother turned to the young girl.

"Yes, of course. Anything."

Woman stayed silent for a moment again.

"Is... It true that you'll be joining the Fatui as well...?" she was looking at the teenager, almost a young adult, with worried mother eyes.

Charlotte wasn't able to resist her worried eyes, looking away and closing her dark green eyes.

"Yes... I will... I'm sorry, miss... I don't think I have other choice..." she sighed.

She refused to look back at the woman, guilt weighting her shoulders way too heavily. Once again in her life, she disappointed someone. Someone, who once placed trust in her.

"Why... Why may that be, my child?" woman came closer, placing her hands on girl's shoulders. Judging from her eyes, she was close to tears.

"I... Ajax... he... left me alive after our first encounter... He was supposed to kill me but... He spared my life... To keep him and myself safe, I... I will have to join the Fatui and pledge my loyalty to Cryo Archon and keep us both out of trouble... I... Don't want anyone to get hurt because of me..."

When Charlotte finally forced herself to look up, she was met with wide, teary eyes of a middle-aged woman. Mother's hand were slightly shaking on her shoulders too.

"M-Miss...?! I'm sorry, I didn't-"

Girl couldn't finish her sentence as she was pulled in a tight, warm embrace. Ajax's mother hugged her tightly, her shoulder's slightly shaking.

"It's okay, Charlotte... I'm sorry... I just wasn't expecting such answer..." mother only tightened the embrace, making young girl wince in pain.

Charlotte wasn't sure how to take in her answer. She was expecting some other answer? What kind of? Was she thinking that a wounded up girl like her was joining a merciless army just for the fun of it? What could possibly be fun in there to begin with? On other hand... Maybe she felt touched due to her answer mainly focusing on protecting others and forgetting herself...

After a minute or two, Ajax's mother pulled away, wiping away her tears.

"Thank you Charlotte, thank you... For protecting our family... Your parents must be proud of you..."

Young girl could only nod and look at the ground with emotionless eyes, despite tons of feelings and thoughts running through her head. Who knows...? Are they proud of her...?

She snapped out of her thoughts due to a pair of hands landing on her shoulders once again.

"Take care of yourself, Charlotte. And be careful in Fatui."

"I will, mis- mom..." younger brunette nodded, placing her own hand on older woman's.

"Good... Now, go and have some rest. You and Ajax must be super tired after the trip. Please, make yourself at home and relax. If you need anything, ask anyone. Everyone is ready to help you."

"Okay... You shouldn't stay up too late too, mom... Goodnight."

Woman only responded with a smile before walking out of the kitchen and leaving Charlotte standing here. After a minute of thinking, girl walked out too, heading to her new room.

She found a nice, but simple set of pyjamas on her bedside. After changing in them, she went to turn off the lights and laid down in her warm and comfy bed. The fireplace was still burning here, emitting gentle golden light. Looking at the flames dancing on the ashy wood logs, Charlotte soon dozed off to sleep.

Ajax's mother was right – 3 days in ocean, even if it doesn't seem that long, wasn't that easy to handle. But there was another, a way more difficult task to complete – to make yourself at home.

How was she supposed to do it, when she never truly had real home? When her family moved from place to place every few months, at best – a few years? People also tend to say: "Home is where your family is"...

But what she was supposed to do, when her wholefamily: mother, dad and big sister were no longer in the world of mortals...?

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