Chapter 57: Like Stars in the Night Sky

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Warning: This part will include some heavy angst and gore. You've been warned.


Childe got out of the shower, putting his sleeping clothes on. He was never the one to be hardworking when it comes to Fatui's paperwork. Today, however, was it for Charlotte's delicious coffee or encouraging words she'd deliver him with each drink mug, he felt really motivated and finished it all.

By the time he was done, the entire house was asleep, Charlotte herself being no exception. Ajax smiled as he entered their bedroom and found her sleeping peacefully. Ever since she recovered, nobody bothered to move the 2nd bed out and the ginger ended up sleeping in the same room as her. The girl didn't seem to mind this either.

Throwing a few more wood pieces in the burning fireplace, 11th Harbinger made sure it will provide enough warmth until the morning. He then followed his childhood friend's example, getting under the sheets and preparing to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Lottie..." he whispered before closing his eyes, finally ready to enter the Land of Dreams.


Charlotte was slowly walking through the snowy forest. Despite Snezhnaya's harsh climate, there were still a few birds chirping, celebrating their ability to survive the eternal cold and not freeze to death. A soft wind blew, making naked tree branches rustle.

All of a sudden, the entire forest fell silent. The beautiful melody sung by the birds has quieted down, wind no longer blew.

The young girl looked around, wondering what happened. She then turned around, her heart stopping at the view she saw behind.

Every single of her footstep was tainted with blood.

The further she went, the bloodier it got. She turned back to face the front, a surprised scream escaping her lips as she was met with a familiar face.

"Charlotte..." Melissa, her big sister, said in a sad voice. "Why..."

"W-W-Why what?" the younger girl asked, her eyes wide as she stared at her sister.

"Why would you do something like this..."

All of the sudden, Melissa's clothes started burning, her arms and skin turning red and brownish. The fire continued to spread, soon enough setting her hair aflame.

Charlotte screamed at the sight before starting to sprint away from the scene. It was hard to run in the thick and nearly knee-deep snow but the sudden adrenaline rush didn't let her think about it.

Just for a moment, she looked over her shoulder to see if she was being chased. Her heart was pounding, her lungs burning as she was out of breath.

The horrors didn't end any time soon as she bumped into something and fell down. She looked up to see what it was, her eyes widening in shock again.

"Little dragonfly..." her father called out, looking at her with sad, disappointed eyes. His adventurer uniform top of stained with thick crimson liquid trickling down from the giant wound on his neck.

"If only you have laughed quieter that time..." her mother stepped forward from behind her husband, her injuries exactly the same. "I and your father would still be alive by now..."

"Right, Lottie?" her sister appeared next to them out of nowhere, her clothes still burning in some places.

Scared to hell young brunette started backing away, not even bothering to get up. The sights in front of her were way too much for her to handle.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now