Chapter 25: Anger, Sadness & Regret

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Childe's day was going horrible. He fought the Traveler, used his Foul Legacy that left his body in great pain, even released a sealed god Osial. Now he finds out that it was all for nothing and Signora knew where the gnosis is and how to obtain it all along?!

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he left the city, walking out into the Liyue wilderness. His eyes immediately spotted a nearby hilichurl camp. Those poor creatures weren't even nearly close to matching his strength, but it will do for emergency anger cooling, he thought.


Charlotte was sitting in her bedroom, thoughts about today bothering her like an annoying fly that kept flying circles around her head. Signora kept them in darkness this entire time, not saying a single word about gnosis. Where even was she? Charlotte hasn't seen her even once after they have docked in Liyue for the first time.

The other reason she kept staying up so late was her colleague. It was nearly midnight and Childe still hasn't come back after they parted in Northland bank reception... He sure looked pissed, barely able to keep himself together... Could he be doing what Charlotte thinks he's doing?

Speak of the devil. Door of their apartment banged open, getting slammed right back as the person most likely kicked it close. Soon enough, Charlotte saw a greyish figure walk by her door, wobbling a bit, confirming her all doubts about his recent activities.

She immediately stood up, following her friend, gasping as she took a closer look at him. Tartaglia was covered in blood, his once grey jacket entirely soaked in crimson liquid.

"A-Ajax, what happened?!" Girl was getting super worried.

Her question only earned her an irritated growl from the young man.

"None of your business."

Charlotte sprinted to the kitchen where the box with some of their medicine supplies was kept, taking a bunch of bandages as well as a bottle of wolfhook fermented juices, used for making wounds heal faster.

She found her colleague standing in his own room, taking his jacket off.

"Let me treat your wounds before any infections get in. Please, take your shir-"

"WILL YOU STOP BEING SO ANNOYING?!" Childe snapped at her, suddenly turning around as his jacket fell on the floor.


Bottle of wolfhook juices fell on the ground, breaking and splashing the purplish liquid on the floor. Bandages bundle that fell near it started slowly turning purple too, absorbing the juices.

Room has fallen silent. The only possible sound you could hear were silent whimpers of a girl who stood in defensive position, her arms crossed in front of her face as she prepared to block Childe's hit. The hit that never reached her.

Ginger male stood frozen, his arm lifted in air as he watched the girl in front of him with his eyes wide. Her eyes were closed, her entire body shaking like one's of a frightened animal.

"Z-Zanni...?" 11th Harbinger stuttered, regretting his actions more than ever. He didn't mean to scare her so much.

Girl slowly opened her eyes full of fear and horror. Letting her arms down, she slowly started backing away before turning around and sprinting.

"Zanni, wait! Let's talk it out-" Childe grabbed her wrist, stopping her from running away.

Sadly, built up adrenaline in girl's blood now didn't let her think straight. The only goal that she had now was to escape and run far, far away from here.

Lifting the arm that was gripped by him, she sunk her teeth in his arm's flesh, forcing him to immediately let go. Tartaglia gasped in pain, stopping in place as he held his arm, his hand pressed to the place where she bit him.

Girl used this opportunity to escape, running far away, stopping only a kilometre, if not more, away from the city. She sat down under the tree, hugging her knees as she sobbed silently.

What a day it was. Osial was released and nearly destroyed Liyue. Ningguang's jade chamber has been sacrificed to kill it and seal it again. A nice Funeral Parlor consultant turned out to be Geo Archon himself. Signora had an access to the gnosis all along and didn't say a single word. As if it wasn't enough already – the last person Charlotte held dear to her heart turned a cold shoulder on her, calling her annoying and even tried to hit her.

Why would the fate be so merciless on her? What has she done? Is it because of her fault her entire family is now gone?


Girl suddenly lifted her head up, looking at the narrow path overgrown with grass that lead to the Chasm.

She now knew the exact place where she should be going.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now