Chapter 32: Salt to the Wounds

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Viktor was on his way to his Master's office, ready to report the information Zanni has asked to gather for her. 12th Harbinger has already gotten famous among Fatui ranks as the kindest out of the Twelve, so it was always exciting to serve her. At least, you were guaranteed to come and get a nice, warm welcoming. Not get yelled at for completely nothing.

Using his pyro agent abilities, he appeared in Zanni's office.

"Zanni, I gathered the information you-"

He trailed off once he saw the girl peacefully sleeping on her desk. Documents and other things were scattered all around the desk as well as under her arms on which she slept on.

Confused agent had no idea to do. Looking around her office, he noticed a neatly folded, thin summer blanket on the sofa. It was meant to be the decoration but could serve other uses too.

Picking it up, he carefully covered the sleeping girl with it, hoping it will make her more comfortable. She must have been working hard lately. Plus, Zanni was always so nice to him and the other agent of hers. He had to do something in return to show his gratitude, right?

While he was trying to fix the blanket's corner, office door all of sudden opened, revealing another Harbinger.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Keep your hands off, would you?" ginger-haired Snezhnayan warrior said in a strict voice.

"M-Master Childe- I- I was just-"

"I don't care what you were just doing. Touching other people while they're sleeping exhausted like this is plainly rude, so scram!"

Scared of consequences of 11th Harbinger's rage, Zanni's agent disappeared, leaving a small black smoke cloud behind.

Tartaglia came closer, worried look on his face. Was his friend overworking herself again? Didn't he do all the work for her today? Where did she even get more of it?

He sighed, picking up the scattered documents to put them back in place. Paper shuffling noises woke the sleeping girl up, making her lift her head up and look around confused.

"C-Childe...? What are you doing here?"

Her friend turned to look at her with his brow raised.

"So you're finally awake..." his tone turned out to be quite cold. "Were you working again? I thought I assigned you a free day today?"

Charlotte shivered. He would never use this tone when he was talking to her. If he ever spoke in a cold and harsh voice, it was never directed to her...

"I... I just... Had to write a letter and read a few reports..."

"I did all of your paper work today as well. Where did you get more? Are you overworking yourself again when you should be resting? Why the hell did I give you a free day then?" he scolded her.

Girl shivered again, not sure what to even say. She was scared. His cold voice was scaring her. Did she say something that angered him? Was it really her doing her work what got him annoyed? Does he...

Hate her?

Seeing that he won't get an answer, orange-haired boy sighed.

"I'll sort out your paper work. You can do it tomorrow. Now go back to our apartments and rest. No more work for today."

Nodding, Charlotte took off the blanket, leaving it on the sofa and walking out of her office. She felt the cold stare Childe has given her as she left, making her heart hurt even more than it did before.

Coming back to her room, she closed the door, locking it. Sighing, she walked over to her bed, laying down and getting comfy under the blanket. Warmth has started lulling her to sleep, until the outside door opening noise was heard.

It was followed by a knock on her bedroom door.

"Charlotte, you in here?"

"Yeah..." she answered shortly.

"Listen, I don't want to argue. All I want is for you to have some rest." His voice seemed apologetic, but not sincere enough to convince the sleepy girl.

"I will take a nap..."

"Good. I won't disturb you. I challenged Lumine to come and fight me again today, so I will be heading out. Goodnight."

Steps could be heard before the outside door opened and closed again.

Girl sighed again, laying down and hugging herself, gripping the corner of her blanket tighter. If she doubted it before, she was now sure...

Luminemeant more to him than she did...

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now