Chapter 46: Fruits of the Search

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"Haha! Watch out, Teucer!"

"Tonia! That's not fair!!!"

Orange-haired boy ruffled his hair, cleaning the snow out of it. Ajax's ghostly figure, who was leaning to the nearby tree, laughed at his little brother. The blizzard that lasted all night has finally calmed down and the youngsters went out to play with fresh, sticky snow. His eldest brother Sergei and sister Tatyana were standing close by, chatting about something he most likely would have found boring.

Charlotte didn't seem to have lost hope in her mission's success but the search was exhausting, so she took a day off. Thinking that she is safe and he most likely doesn't need to watch after her that carefully (although Childe would have loved to stare at her cute sleeping face), Ajax decided to go and see how his family was doing.

From the first look, it seemed like everyone has long forgotten about what happened a month or so ago. Nobody spoke about certain brunette during dinner or whenever his father was around. However, Childe once caught his elder siblings having a discussion about her.

They were planning to go look for her and even tried. Yet, nobody knew where she has gone as she left no trace. The only way to find out her whereabouts was to go and ask the Fatui elites. Sadly, information about Harbingers' current missions and locations was held a secret, so it was useless to even try.

Tartaglia also once caught his mother looking through the photo album of his photos. Since her husband was asleep, she felt the liberty to do whatever she wanted. The very moment her son's soul came for a visit, she was looking at the photo of him and his first and best childhood friend, playing in front of the fireplace. Touching Charlotte's figure in the photo, a sigh escaped the woman's lips. Due to her kind heart and motherly instincts, she was worried about the girl. What if she was deep in trouble? Even worse, no longer in this world?

Oh, how Childe wished he didn't know it was true. Charlotte's current goals will surely make these worries come true.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice what was going on in the playground – a simple flat field nearby the forest coated with snow and footprints of his little siblings.

"Anthon! Don't dodge so mu- WOAH!"

Gasp left Teucer's lips as he slipped in the snow, falling over. Soft as feather snow blanket made his fall not painful at all and he soon stood up.

"Ouch..." he rubbed his head, looking up at his siblings. "Hey, Tonia? Could you- H-Huh?"

Tonia and Anthon were frozen to place, looking at something that was behind him. It didn't take long to catch the attention of elders as well, including Ajax's ghost.

"Teucer... Get out of there! NOW!" Childe screamed, cursing as he remembered nobody could hear him.

As his sister and brother ran away, Teucer finally looked behind him. There stood 2 super tall, at least 3-meter height figures, clearly abyssal creatures. Obsidian and starry night sky color portal behind them only confirmed the fact.

Ajax knew way too well that it was abyss hydro herald and electro lector. These creatures were good fighters and possessed greater power than the abyss mages did.

The young ginger boy screamed at the sight. Blue-skinned darkness creature swung his hand in the air and hydro binds wrapped around the boy, completely paralyzing his movements.

Immediately sending the youngsters home, Sergei and Tatyana charged forward, ready to save their little brother at any cost. They won't be losing another family member!

Yet, electro beast had other plans for them.

Lector spread his hands to the sides, a catalyst book appearing in front of him. With a single snap of his fingers, a cage made out of pure electro appeared, trapping the pair. Ignoring their screams, abyssal creatures took Teucer with them and one by one jumped back to the portal. It started to flicker, getting ready to close.

Tears rolled down Tatyana's cheeks as she was sure she lost another brother of hers. Sergei tried to go right through the bars but got shocked by the electricity quite badly. There was no way to escape, unless-

"Cover your faces!"

Despite not knowing who said that they did what they were told. All of the sudden, the bars cage exploded, leaving a stinky smell of burning electricity cords. The same smell would appear whenever an over-loaded reaction, electro and pyro reacting together, happened.

Removing their hands from their faces, they managed to see one last thing before the portal completely closed. A shadow crossed their eyesight, disappearing inside the portal right before the it has vanished.

Ajax, who stood the entire time with his eyes wide watching, felt like he was about to faint. His brother was kidnapped by the abyss. Charlotte finally achieved her goal too.

What will happen now?Will any of them return? Or will the sacrifices have to be made?


A/N: Hello there! School year is slowly coming to the end for me and now i will have a lot of more free time. It also means that i will start posting even more often, a few times (2-3) in a week. If nothing urgent comes up, I'm going to start this new updating routine from the next week so... Look forward to it! See you all soon~

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now