Author's Note

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Hello, hello! If you have made it this far - wow, congratulations! And thank you for staying around to the very end!

I finally finished my first ever book. Please, make sure to tell me in the comments what you think about it! Opinions and some criticism are always appreciated because they give me directions on what to improve!

Now from my perspective... Honestly, the book turned out to be better than i expected. Not bad, not bad at all. However, being a perfectionist who always put high standarts for myself, i can't help but notice one major issue.

Too long. I really think I extended this book a bit too much. Sometimes I think that it would have been great if I ended the book after Charlotte returns from the abyss and dies. Yet on the other hand, I wanted a happy ending too :)

Some of the chapters seem unnecessary too. I think I wanted Charlotte's character development more, so that's how some scenes/chapters came to life. Now that i think about it, those might not have been really necessary.

But this issue aside, I'd say it's not too terrible considering it's my first book that i finished completely :)

What's next? I had the thought of creating a separate book where I would write absolutely random situations from Charlotte's and Childe's lives (suggestions would be open too). I'm still considering it. Should I? Please, let me know in the comments.

Once again, thank you all so much for staying with me throughout this journey. Every single read, vote, comment meant a lot to me and always encouraged me to write more. Thank you!

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