Chapter 43: Free With The Wind

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Lumine and Paimon strolled down the street, idly chatting with Venti. The Anemo Archon in disguise got a strange device called "Nirnama detector". This monocle-looking thing can let you see the imaginary friends of people. Fascinating, indeed!

All of the children the group checked so far had their imaginary friends close to them. Adults, however, didn't. Traveler and Venti could only make the conclusion that adults grow out of imaginary friends as time passes and they disappear.

"Phew, now that was quite an expedition! We have been running around Mondstad non-stop, chasing the imaginary friends of various people. Paimon is getting hungry here!" flying fairy complained.

"Haha, but it was quite interesting, don't you think? We could take a break, though." Venti replied with his usual cheerful voice. "The information we gathered so far will definitely please Miss Lisa once I report it to her."

"Great! Why don't we go have a delicious meal in "Good Hunter"? What do you say Lumine?... Lumine? Hello?"

Lumine was staring into the distance, not hearing a single thing that Paimon said. Nirnama detector was still in her hand as she squeezed it unsurely.

"Lumine? What are you looking a- HUH?!"

Paimon's eyes widened when she finally noticed a familiar face talking to the Acting Grand Master Jean. Harbinger's eyes seemed deep in thought, yet somehow mysterious - you could easily tell that the conversation she was having was somewhat important and serious.

"What is she doing there? Didn't she leave back to Snezhnaya after... y-you know..." Paimon suddenly felt really sad, recalling the events from the past.

"What's wrong you two? A familiar face?" Venti raised an eyebrow, looking at the fatui girl too. "Hm..."

Lumine turned to her companion.

"Should we go talk to her?" she asked.

"Now that Paimon thinks about it, Zanni was actually really nice despite being a Fatui Harbinger. Unlike Childe's, her apology for misleading us seemed to be sincere and heart-warming. Do you remember what happened in the Northland bank? She sure is different than the rest of this organization... We should-"

"Traveler, you may want to see this."

Lumine was so deep in conversation with her companion that she didn't even notice how Venti was now poking her hand with a monocle. Anemo Archon was also pointing at the Harbinger in front of them.

Famous Traveler picked up the detector, taking a look at the familiar face. Her eyes widened, her mouth went agape, a gasp escaping her lips as she saw what Venti was referring to.

"Lumine? Lumine, what is it? You look shocked! What is it you see? Tell Paimon!" floating fairy was concerned about her friend but also excited to hear the news.


Next to Charlotte stood a ghostly figure of a young male. He had his arms crossed on his bloody chest and it seemed like he was a part of the conversation between Charlotte and Jean. Yet, even with a monocle, he was see-through and as soon as you'd take the nirnama device away, he'd disappear completely.

"C-Chi- what?!" Paimon couldn't believe it.

Lumine didn't explain anything further and went straight ahead to the chatting pair. Venti and Paimon exchanged worried looks, deciding to follow the blonde.

"Yes, I will make sure that the mess they caused is cleaned up. You have nothing to worry about, Acting Grand Master."

"Thank you, Zanni. Fatui agents were really getting out of hand... Who knows what would have- oh, Traveler?" Jean noticed the familiar face approaching.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now