Chapter 45: Big Brother Problems

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Childe sighed, sitting on top of his grave and staring at his friend's boots.

Ever since Anemo archon failed to set him free he felt even more terrible than he used to after becoming a ghost. The idea of watching his beloved girl end her own life and being unable to do anything about it made him sick.

On the other hand, he felt proud of how brave she was. No regular human would dare to challenge the abyss all alone, without backup. But was it a heroic action or just... stupidity?

Closing his eyes, he pulled his legs closer to his chest. He loved his family and Charlotte, but right now, he just wanted to disappear and forget about everything. If only Barbatos' ritual worked...

"Big sis...?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Ajax looked up. Next to the brunette stood a young ginger boy, his eyes shining with curiosity. 11th Harbinger couldn't help but smile – Teucer looked almost exactly like he did in his childhood.

"Teucer?" Charlotte knelt down to get on the little boy's level.

Childe's brother squeezed a ruin guard action figure closer to himself as he looked at the grave with sad eyes. Blinking a few times, he looked back at the person his family, or rather his father, called a monster.

"Big sis... D-Dad said... You're the one at fault for big brother's death..." he looked at the ground, his shoulders slightly shaking. "B-But I don't believe him!"

The next moment he looked at Charlotte, his eyes were filled with tears.

"B-Big brother d-died p-protecting y-you, right?" he sobbed, reaching up his hand to wipe his salty tears.

The girl was frozen to place for a moment. She then reached her hand up, gently wiping his tears away.

"Shh... Don't cry... It's okay."

The boy sniffled, squeezing the ruin guard figure even tighter.

"A-Ajax died f-fighting b-bad guys, r-right?"

Childe's ghost watched how Charlotte nodded, a reassuring look on her face.

"Your brother was a brave warrior. You deserve to know the truth, Teucer. I know it's hard to take in... Ajax wasn't a toy seller, no."

To 11th Harbinger's surprise, Teucer reacted really calmly to the news. It made him wonder – has his little brother figured it out by himself earlier or did it all became obvious after his death?

"He was lying to me, but... It... was for the better, right?" this was the calmest Ajax has ever seen Teucer being.

Tartaglia couldn't help but smile. His little brother has grown up so much. Oh how badly he wanted to hug him and tell him how proud he was...

"Correct." Charlotte nodded, a soft smile on her lips. "Your brother wanted for you not to worry about him, so he created this toy seller act. And... Ajax hasn't really died. He's still there."

Both gingers were surprised. Not understanding what was happening, a ghostly figure of Childe watched the girl's movements with his eyebrow raised. She stuck her hand into her pocket, digging there for a bit before taking something out.

"Give me your hand."

Teucer obeyed, reaching out his hand for her. A brunette gently placed something in his palm.


When the young boy got to see what she gave him, Ajax's eyes widened: it was the very same starconch he had once given Charlotte. That very moment they were resting under the tree, nearby the Liyue Harbor. For some reason, his heart got filled with warmth.

"What's this?" Teucer asked, curiously examining his gift.

"A starconch. Put it to your ear." The orange-haired boy did as told, his eyes slightly widening. "What do you hear?"

"The sea... Waves crashing against the beach sand... Wind..." boy's eyes were shining with amazement at new discoveries.

If the warmth in Ajax's ghostly, non-beating heart wasn't warm enough yet, now it was for sure – for the first time in months, he heard his beloved childhood friend laugh. He couldn't help but smile himself watching the pair.

"Your brother had a hydro vision, remember? When you miss him, remember this conch, put it to your ear, and listen closely. As long as you hear the roaring of the waves and the warm beach breeze..." Charlotte's hand wandered on Teucer's shoulder. "Your brother will be there, with you. In your heart."

A small, white-ish, ghostly tear rolled down Childe's cheek. Sniffling, he wiped it off, continuing to watch the scene unfold in front of him. The word "adorable" was too weak to describe what he saw.

Suddenly, one thought crossed his mind.

She'd be a great mother...

Blushing, he shook it off. He shouldn't be thinking about having children or even marriage. He hasn't even confessed his love to her, to begin with. On other hand...

He won't ever be able to do it, will he?

The little boy smiled, jumping in 12th Harbinger's embrace. Charlotte froze to place again, but then carefully hugged him back.

"There there..." she gently rubbed comforting circles on his back.

"Big sis Charlotte is the best..." Teucer giggled. "I wish dad would let you come back..."

Brunette sighed.

"It's okay Teucer. Don't worry about me, alright? I will be fine."

Kid pulled away from the hug, nodding.

"Okay. W-When I'm older though..." his facial expression suddenly became serious. "I-... I will team up with Tonia and Anthon and go prove our dad he was wrong!"

Childish dedication made the girl and ghost Childe laugh again.

"Of course, Teucer. Now then, be a good boy and go home, okay? It will start getting dark soon and you don't want to be alone outside in the darkness, do you?"

"Okay, big sis! I'll be going now! Byeee!"

Charlotte stood up, waving Teucer goodbye as he ran off. Ajax saw how her facial expression suddenly changed, returning to the depressed and emotionless stone-cold face.

The girl turned back to the grave, looking at the bunch of memorials still sitting on top of it: photos, pine tree branches crown, candles, and lastly, Tartaglia's Fatui mask. It was obvious that the person who laid down to rest in this place won't be forgotten by the ones who knew him.

Childe watched how his friend sighed silently, glancing at the empty space next to his grave. The area was big enough to fit another grave and the young man knew exactly what that look on her face meant.

She knew way too well that her revenge mission will bring her death.

Yet,she also knew that being buried next to her lover would be too luxurious.Especially, when his father thought of her as a monster and merciless murderer.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now