Chapter 34: Birthday Boy

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The next morning Charlotte woke up, it was still dark outside.

Getting out of bed and silently dressing up, she then sat down at her desk in her room, lighting up a candle. Light produced by candle's flame was faint but bright enough to see the table's surface. Picking up a piece of paper and dipping her writing feather in the ink, she scribbled a letter she will leave for her childhood friend on her departure.

After checking if everything is in place, she stepped out of her room, making sure to be especially quiet. Ajax was a light sleeper, after all - even a mouse squeak could be able to wake him up. Carefully opening the door to her friend's room, she found him asleep in bed.

Keeping in mind that he wasn't much of a deep sleeper, she quietly placed his gift and her letter on his desk. Before walking out of the room, she looked over her shoulder to see his adorable, peaceful sleeping expression. Taking Childe's bloodlust and impressive warrior strength into consideration, this was a super rare sight to see.

A small smile crept up her lips as she whispered:

"Happy birthday, Ajax... Goodbye..."

She then carefully closed the door, leaving the apartment. Girl wasn't too sure where she should go now. Qingce village? To the village that's on top of the mountain surrounding Liyue harbor? Maybe even to Mondstad since it was a neighboring nation?

Anywhere, where she could at least forget the abandonment and feel free for once.


The sunset-haired boy woke up with the sun already risen, its rays peeking through the curtains and shining straight into his empty ocean-blue eyes. Groaning, he turned on the other side, wanting to stay in bed for a bit longer.

Suddenly he remembered what day it was.

Excited, he jumped out of the bed. Boy wanted to spend this entire day with his best friend. He has already planned on making her breakfast and then taking her out for a walk in Liyue so they could catch up on things they missed in the last weeks. After that, taking in Traveler's recommendations, he has placed a reservation in Wanmin restaurant to have lunch with her and finally, to spend their evening, he bought 2 tickets to the opera getting performed today by the famous Yun Jin in Heyu Tea-House.

Boy was about to leave his room when he noticed his desk, his eyes widening.

On top of it, there was a bow of flawless beauty. Made out of finest, whitest iron, and blue as summer sky crystal plates, it shone as sunlight reflected on it. The base of it had a star-like ornament attached to it, adding more beauty to it. Childe felt like he fell in love with his new weapon already.

Carefully touching it, he lifted it up. It was heavy, but not as heavy as his previous bow – Rust. Gently pulling on the string, 11th Harbinger aimed at the imaginary target. Bow's handle fitted snuggly in his hand and so did the string in between his fingers. Birthday boy couldn't wait to try his gift out on the battlefield.

But the bow wasn't the only thing he found on his desk.

With confusion replacing his previous excited facial expression, he picked up an envelope. Walking over to sit on his bed, he placed his bow next to himself as he opened the letter, pulling out the piece of paper and reading it.

Dearest Ajax,

Happy Birthday! May everything you wish for become true and most importantly - yours. I really hope you will like your gift. The blacksmith said that the Polar Star (your new bow) has been forged from the finest and highest quality materials. It did cost quite a lot to me but... It was worth it if the moment you saw it, a smile has appeared on your lips.

Forgive me for not staying around to congratulate you face to face. I'm sorry for not talking to you lately too... You've been busy with Traveler mostly and seeing how close you two have gotten, I decided to not interfere. She seems to be really important to you...

I have been feeling exhausted lately. Her Majesty has already received the report about my part of this mission. Saying that I was useful, she allowed me to take a week off. I'll be heading out of the city to somewhere more peaceful to let my mind rest from stress. I promise I will be fine soon. Don't worry about me, alright?

Once again, forgive me for not being there for your birthday. I hope the Traveler will entertain you better on this day than I would ever do.

Hopefully, we'll meet again on our next Fatui mission.

With love,


11th Harbinger kept re-reading the letter, each time hoping he read it wrong.

Tartaglia wasn't good only at fighting – he also knew how to read in between the lines. After reading her letter once again, it became obvious to him that exhaust wasn't the real reason Charlotte has departed.

It's because she felt abandoned.

Childe laid down on his bed, his world cracking and shattering around him. He's been spending way too much time with the Traveler, forgetting about the person he held dearest to his heart.

Forgetting about the promise he had made with her...

The reason he became friends with Traveler was only her strength. He saw her as a worthy opponent on the battlefield, each battle with her feeling like a first one – you could never expect what card she had hidden up her sleeve and when she will use it. Blonde outlander never failed to impress him with her fighting skills. However, she has a mission - to find her brother. Lumine won't stay long in this world after her goals are accomplished. Their relationship would bring more pain rather than joy, and Tartaglia has already learned a life lesson not attaching to people too much.

Yet, with a certain girl, he failed to. Charlotte, on other hand, was his childhood friend. In his eyes, she was the one. The one for him. Despite the world giving her cold shoulder most of the time, she would still remain kind and caring. She was also hard-working and stubborn when it came to difficult challenges. A talented fighter and a Fatui Harbinger but also the most kind-hearted person he has ever met.

Ajax sighed once again as he closed his eyes.

He felt like an idiot...


(A/N: Hello there! I think I'm overthinking things a bit but let me just say that i have nothing against Chilumi (in fact, i actually love it). It's just that this is an OC x Childe so... Sorry ;-; Lumi will get more screen-time in this fiction too.)

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now