Chapter 56: Reconcilement

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The young orange-haired warrior sighed, scribbling his signature on one more paper before putting it on the already signed stash of other documents. He leaned back in his office chair, relaxing his muscles – doing paperwork for a few hours made his back and shoulders quite stiff.

He then saw the pile of remaining paperwork, another sigh escaping his lips. Tsaritsa really didn't hold back when assigning him work. After 3 hours, he has barely finished a quarter of it.

Ajax stretched and was about to go back to work when a soft knock on the door was heard. That's quite unusual – when he was working, nobody dared to disturb him. Even his little siblings who'd usually drag him to play games whenever he was home.

"Come in." he looked at the door opening curiously.

Strangely, the door didn't open on the first try. He could already tell the person behind the door was struggling. Soon enough, they managed to bend down the handle and open the door.

The doorway revealed a young girl with slightly messy brown hair and dark green eyes. In her left hand, she was holding a mug with steaming dark brown liquid. Her other arm was in a plaster cast as her injuries were still healing.

The intense, delicious smell of coffee filled the room as she entered Childe's office.

"H-Hey... I hope I haven't disturbed you..." she said with her voice slightly trembling.

"No, not at all." Ajax was surprised to see her here. After all, she was quite wary around every person living in this house, especially, around him.

She slowly closed the door using her shoulder as her both arms were occupied. The girl then approached the desk, carefully lowering the mug on it.

"I made you coffee..." she backed a few steps away, hugging herself as she always did when she was shy or nervous. "You haven't left your office in more than 3 hours and I figured you might like something energizing to drink..."

Childe looked up at his friend, a soft smile appearing on his lips. This was the first act of kindness she showed after losing her memory. How heart-warming.

"As thoughtful and caring as always..." he chuckled, standing up and spreading his arms to the sides a bit. "Thank you, Charlotte."

He stood in the 'I want a hug' pose not expecting much, knowing Charlotte was still quite anxious but when she slowly stepped closer and leaned to him, letting him embrace her, Ajax's eyes widened. His arms wrapped around her carefully, holding her close.

This was the first hug they shared after such a long time.

"Tatyana and Tonia told me about... how things used to be earlier..." she said quite silently.

"Hm? What is it?" ginger asked confused.

"They said that... You hold me dear to your heart. Ever since childhood, when we first met, you thought of me as your best and truest friend. When you saved me from treasure hoarders and we reunited... You started writing about me in the letters you sent back home. Tatyana even showed me some of them and..."

Ajax felt his cheeks heat up, his heart-rate quickening. Tatyana was always the type of person who loved teasing others. Showing his letters and exposing his feelings to Charlotte, even though she lost her memory, must have looked like a perfect opportunity to annoy her little brother.

"You also saved my life by shielding me from ruin guard missiles... Yet, I have no recollection of that happening. Ajax I..." ginger could have sworn he heard her sniffle. "I'm sorry that I can't remember any of that..."

"Hey, hey..." 11th Harbinger placed his hand on the back of the girl's head soothingly. "It's okay, Charlotte. It is not your fault you lost your memory."

"It doesn't change the fact that I acted so cold and distrusting towards you and your family after all of the welcoming comforts you all offered me. I feel terrible, I'm sorry..."

"No, girlie. We understand how difficult it is for you now and we are not mad at you." Ajax's hand gently wandered on Charlotte's cheek, making her look up at him. "We talked about what happened already, haven't we? If not for you and your brave spirit, I wouldn't be there. Neither of us would. You lifted my curse and sacrificed your life to save my little brother. We have no right to be mad at you."

The young male's words seemed to convince the girl because she just stared at him, not saying a word. She then looked down, closing her eyes. Childe once again embraced her, leaning his head on hers.

"I will find a way to bring your memory back... I promise."

Brunette nodded before pulling away. She whispered something that sounded like a thank you before her eyes got stuck on the cup.

"Your coffee will get cold." She pointed out.

"Right." Ajax sat back down in his seat, taking the mug and bringing it to his lips. Coffee has cooled down enough to drink and he took a sip.

Boy's eyes lit up when he swallowed. He immediately took another sip, or rather, downed half of the mug in one go, before turning to the nervous girl close to him.

"It's so delicious..." he said, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction, before finishing the other half of the mug's contents. He then placed it back down, humming in satisfaction. "Can I have seconds?"

Giggling at his smile, Charlotte nodded, taking the mug and walking over to the door.

"One more black coffee coming up."

Girl left, leaving the busy Harbinger with a smile on his face. He sighed, his smile widening even more.

It was great to hear her laugh again.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now