Chapter 14: The Exam of Fate

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The pair kept sparring for almost entire day as 11th Harbinger wanted to make sure his apprentice is completely prepared for today's challenge. On other hand, brunette girl was now doubting if she makes a good impression later today – after a whole training session she couldn't walk without wobbling as her legs felt weak, her lungs barely able to keep up with her oxygen needs.

Finally, the time has come. Childe left 1 hour prior since The Eleven were gathering earlier according to her Majesty's orders. If Charlotte's doubts weren't too high before, now they were for sure – Ajax's mother made sure she ate well, making her eat the entire giant bowl of soup and chicken cutlet plate with tons of veggies on the side.

Zapolyarny palace, the headquarters of Fatui in Snezhanaya and Tsaritsa's home, looked impressive from far, far away outside already, but the inside of it... Charlotte couldn't peel her eyes off of detailed carvings on the cold as ice walls, symmetrically placed pillars supporting the building and most importantly – the roof made from ice crystal plates, exposing the black sky of the night.

Girl rubbed her hands together as small clouds of smoke would appear every time she breathed out. Inside of palace was slightly warmer than outside, but still freezing. She finally reached the Hall of Throne – the place where her fate will be decided.

The entrance was guarded by 2 giant men – Vanguards, as Childe has taught her. Both of them were dressed in black and purple, carrying around giant hammers with electro symbol on their base. Girl stopped in front of them.

"Who are you and what's the purpose of you dwelling here?" asked the guard on the right.

"Name is Charlotte. I'm obeying her Majesty's orders of telling me to come here once north lights crosses the sky, to face the challenge and possibly become one of the elite." Charlotte explained.

Vanguards exchanged the looks.

"This is our new potential Harbinger?"

"All of the lords are stronger than they look. Don't underestimate her." The guard in left said, turning back to Charlotte. "You shall proceed."

Both of the vanguards reached for the door knobs, opening them for her.

Charlotte gulped as she saw everyone was here already. Hall of Throne was giant, it looked like a ball hall, more or less. At the very end of hall, on the taller platform was a mesmerising ice throne, a figure of a woman sitting on it.

To the sides from the large throne, stood another 11 figures: 6 in the right and 5 in the left. Charlotte couldn't see them clear from the far distance, just like she couldn't properly see Her Majesty on her throne.

Taking a deep breath, young girl stepped forward, walking close to the throne with her back straight. Her steps were self-confident, even though deep inside she was worried, afraid that she'll only make a comedy out of herself soon.

Stopping a few meters away from the stairs leading on the platform with a throne, Charlotte bowed down, kneeling on one of her knees as well, showing the respect for the one sitting on the throne. Despite her own eyes being closed, she could feel The Eleven's eyes burning holes in her body, making her scared of what's about to come even more.

"Stand up, young warrior." Ordered the cold voice.

Obeying the orders, Charlotte stood up, looking up in front of her. Tsaritsa has stood up from her throne as well, looking down at her. Despite her being the Archon of Cryo, ice, she was also the Goddess of Love. Her eyes were cold and posture strict, but behind all of that, young brunette could see warmth and gentleness.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now