Chapter 3: The Reunion

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Charlotte painfully regained her consciousness. She couldn't find enough energy to open her heavy eyelids.

Girl's entire body was sore and numb, her waist was burning from pain and her skull felt like it was splitting in half. But most importantly...

She was alive.

Charlotte managed to remember what happened: a trial of escape, Fatui encounter and defeat in battle against Harbinger. She remembered how she was bleeding to death, so how come she's alive?

Was she in afterlife now?

With pain tearing her body apart, she managed to open her eyes. Girl was laid in soft and comfortable bed, the room she was in looked like a casual Fountaine apartments. Is this how Celestia looked? She imagined it differently...

If bed was in the middle, room must have been pretty small. On the wall the girl was facing was door, probably leading to the bathroom. Next to the door, to the other wall, a work desk stood and-

What was he doing here?!

Charlotte jumped in bed from shock, adrenaline filling her blood. Sadly, her wounded body protested, sending a wave of crushing pain, making her fall back into mattresses once again. Even if the bed was soft, falling back in the sheets sent another painful wave through her body.

"Woah, calm down, you'll get your wounds open again" ginger-haired Harbinger said while making his way from the desk seat to her bed. Poor girl, still wincing in pain, growled at him.

"Stay away from me!"

Fighting back the pain, she still tried to move and escape. Sadly, no matter how hard she tried to at least sit up in bed, pain would get too much for her body to handle, making her fall back and wince again.

"Hey, calm down. I promise I won't do anything to you." Young man said, standing in front of her, but keeping 2 meter distance. He raised his hands in the air, trying to show her his innocence.

Charlotte looked at him with pain and anger mixing in her dark green eyes.

"H-How am I supposed to trust you after you nearly killed me?!"

Harbinger looked down at the ground.

"You've got a point, yes. But please, calm down and let me explain."

Wounded girl understood that she won't be able to run in this condition anyway. The only option she had left was to stay and listen to him.

Seeing that she has calmed down, ginger boy carefully made his way closer to her, kneeling down on the ground, so they could look each other in the eyes. Charlotte only now noticed how dead his eyes looked: there was no spark in those ocean-blue orbs. She could only wonder why...

"Listen... I know everything is really sudden, but I'm sincerely asking you to not be afraid of me, Charlotte."

Girl's eyes widened.

"How do you know my name?!"

Young man was looking at her, not showing any emotion in his face. He then sighed.

"So you really don't remember me, hm?"

Charlotte was now even more confused. What is this guy up to? Is this some sort of scheme? To pretend to be a good person so she could let her guard down? No, she won't fall for it.

"I've never met you before. Stop pretending to be the hurt one and leave me alone!" she shouted at him.

Now you could see hurt in man's eyes.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now