Chapter 63: Becoming ''Official''

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The next morning started just as usual. Or it was supposed to, at least.

Charlotte woke up feeling unusually warm. Not even bothering to open her eyes, she snuggled closer to the source of the warmth, clinging to the sweet sleep she just woke up from.

A sudden chuckle, however, made her all sleepiness vanish.

"I didn't know you were so bold, girlie~"

Brunette lifted her head up just to meet with ocean-blue eyes, a soft glow in them. Ginger smiled with a sweet smile.

"Good morning. Slept well?"

"W-W-What... H-Huh?" the girl tried her best to escape from the awkward situation but Ajax's arm around her waist stopped her from moving. "H-Hey, let go!"

"Calm down now, will you?" instead of letting go, 11th Harbinger pulled the girl even closer, snuggling close to her chest. "I don't mind the cuddles. It's so warm this way..."

"L-Listen, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. Tatyana made me do that yesterday! Agh! I'm sorry! Let go please, I don't think it's appropriate for us to sleep that way!"

There was a pause of silence.

"M..." ginger hummed, snuggling even closer to her as he closed her eyes. "I will make it official today then..."

Charlotte stared ahead of herself, her brain trying its best to process what she just heard.

"Pardon? What do you mean?" she asked.

Another minute of silence occurred. Childe only sighed.

"You're a smart girl, Lottie. I'm sure you have figured it out on your own."

He let go of the girl's figure, sitting up on the bed and stretching as he yawned. All of the sudden, he hissed his hand on the side of his head.

"Ugh... Headache..."

"Shouldn't have drank that much yesterday..." Charlotte sighed, the previous topic left forgotten. "I will brew you some qingxin blossoms tea. It should relieve the pain quickly enough."

"Heh, thank you." Ajax smiled over his shoulder to the girl, standing up. "Listen uh..."


"Yesterday... Uh... It didn't go as well as planned. I'm sorry for the trouble I potentially caused."

"You were troublesome for sure yesterday..." Charlotte sighed, remembering the trip up the stairs. "It's fine. Forget it. Just next time, know your limits. Don't overdose Fire Water and you will be fine."

"Yes, yes, your truth." 11th Harbinger smiled. "So as an apology... May I treat you to dinner tonight? Somewhere fancy?"

The pleading puppy eyes that he gave his friend were irresistible. Brunette had no other choice but to nod and accept the invitation.


"So, where are we going?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"Somewhere~" Childe replied, reaching his arm for her. "Cling to me. Path to there might be slippery."

"Oh?" the girl giggled, holding onto his arm. "So if any of us slip, we both fall?"

"I meant that if any of us slip, the other can catch..." ginger sighed. "J-Just... Let's go, okay?"

The brunette looked at him worried. For some reason she couldn't yet figure out, he's been acting really weird today. She hadn't even seen him much today as he vanished in the morning but whenever they'd cross paths, he'd blush, look away and disappear once more.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now