Chapter 27: Broken Wings

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(Warnings: mentions of tragic deaths, angst)

Charlotte bought a beautiful flower crown of glaze lilies and quigxins together with a candle and headed out of the city. Sun was already setting and she knew she will reach the Chasm only with the dark.

On her way there, she learned that the Chasm was closed for the time being. Apparently, there have been some strange and mysterious events which lead it to being isolated and heavily guarded by the millelith.

But it wasn't closed for a certain brunette.

Using her black clothing as a perfect camouflage in the shade of Liyue's night, Charlotte slipped by the guards unnoticed. She has almost reached her destination.

After walking for another 10 minutes, Zanni finally reached a specific pair of sunsettias trees and a lonely tombstone in between them. It was obvious that it's been long time since the last anyone's been there – entire tombstone was overgrown with moss, the last crown of flowers and candles long gone, scattered by the wind or just stolen, taken away.

Using her pyro vision, Charlotte carefully burned down the moss. You could now see a messily carved "Andrew & Samantha" on the stone plate. Girl remembered how her and her sister didn't have any other tools but a simple piece of rock for carving, so it was the best they managed to do.

Sighing, she used her pyro powers again to ignite the candle. Carefully putting the flower crown down and a candle in the middle of it, Charlotte sat down, putting her hands in a prayer position and speaking a short prayer. When she was done, she switched her sitting positions, hugging her legs as she stared at the tombstone.

All of the sudden, a stick cracked nearby. It only made the girl sigh again and close her eyes.

"Once you master all the weapons, how about you work on your sneaking skills next, Tartaglia?" She said loud enough for the intruder to hear. Her voice, despite being nearly emotionless, had a slight cheekiness note in it.

Careful and silent steps approached her, the stalker not saying a single thing. Zanni felt how he stopped right behind her, staring at the tombstone together with her.

"Came here to finish me off? Go ahead... I'll gladly lay down to rest together with my parents." Girl's voice was cold.

Childe sighed, kneeling on the ground next to her. Charlotte watched how he closed his eyes, his palms pressed together as he gave his respects and prayers as well. He was soon done, looking at the grave together with her again.

"You know I'd never do that."

Charlotte only hugged herself tighter.

"Then why would you follow me all the way here? This place is dangerous, you know?"

"I needed to make sure you are alright. And... To apologize..." he finally looked at her.

Their eyes met. Charlotte stared at him slightly confused.

"For what?"

"For earlier... When I snapped at you. I didn't mean to do that, nor to frighten you. I was too irritated because Signora, Zhongli, all of this gnosis thing and... Your wish to take care of me just overfilled my goblet of anger, even if it wasn't supposed to... Forgive me..."

Girl was watching him quite shocked before looking back at the object she first came here for, her eyes not displaying a single emotion.

"It's okay... You were right though, I am annoying."

"Huh? Don't say that..."

"But it's true." Charlotte once again shifted her positions, crossing her legs and leaning her arms on them. "What I did back in Northland Bank... I acted like a spoiled, childish brat throwing a tantrum after I didn't get what I want. I overreacted and it will only result a fall of Fatui's reputation, no? Not to mention, I straight up lectured a Geo Archon himself..."

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now