Chapter 54: The Gone Memories

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Another week has passed. Charlotte was still unconscious and Ajax has been doing everything to ensure she will be okay.

Ginger would only leave the room to go out to the forest and chop some wood to keep the fireplaces burning. However, as soon as he was back, he wouldn't leave the girl's side – his family members would bring meals to him, and his mother would have to constantly remind him to get some sleep and go to the shower.

His over-protectiveness was getting out of hand. The young man would stay awake nearly all night, watching after his friend, making sure she didn't stop breathing or her heart didn't stop beating. Lack of sleep, irregular, and ever-changing eating habits, as well as carelessness about everything else, have led him to falling ill too.

One morning Childe woke up from his 1-hour nap with a terrible headache, barely able to speak as his throat felt sore. Feeling cold, the first thought he had was that there wasn't enough wood inside the fireplace. Naturally, his first move was to dress up and head out to the forest again.

The moment his mother saw him, she had to drag him back to the bed and lecture him like a naughty kid. Ajax's little sister Tonia brought a thermometer to check her brother's temperature.

"Well?" mother took back the thermometer from under Ajax's arm before tucking him in once again. She then checked the scale of the thermometer, her eyes showing motherly concern and even slight anger. "You have a fever. High fever."

"Mother, I'm fine..." Ajax tried to get out of the bed but Tonia covered him with an extra blanket again, keeping him in place. "Hey... Tonia, please. I need to go out and get some wood..."

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere, young man." Mother said in a lecturing tone. "Going outside into a freezing climate of our motherland will be the end of you. Your father and Sergei will take care of the wood problem. You, on other hand, now stay in bed, take your medicine and make sure to get a lot of rest."

"Big brother, didn't you say that big sis Charlotte was good at medicine?" Tonia asked, visible concern in her eyes. "She would hate to see you in such a state when she wakes up... I'm sure Charlotte would love to see you well when she wakes up."

Ajax looked at her young sister with a surprised look, then turned his eyes away in embarrassment. He remembered how Charlotte reacted to him coming back home all bloody and hurt: she wanted to treat him immediately. If she was to wake up and found out how he mistreated himself all this time, she'd be really disappointed and sad.

Which he naturally didn't want.

"Okay... I will get some rest..." Ajax nodded. "Please, wake me up still if anything happens... Watch after her for me, okay, Tonia?"

"Of course, big brother." The young girl, barely starting her teenage, nodded with a smile on her face.

"Tonia will watch after both of you." Mother concluded. "If you need anything, come ask me or your older sister Tatyana, Tonia. Boys will be busy today."

"Okay, mom, I will!"

Seeing that his sister was excited and ready to take care of him and his friend, Ajax smiled, turning on his side and pulling the blanket over himself more. His eyes started feeling heavy, lack of sleep hitting him harder than ever.

Soon enough, he dozed off to a peaceful and restful sleep.


The next time Ajax woke up was 7 hours later, nearly at 5 PM. He now felt rested and full of energy again. The young man no longer felt cold so he assumed that he no longer had a fever.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now