Chapter 16: Harbor of Contracts

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Just like it was planned – next week, 4 days later, both Harbingers packed their stuff and boarded the ship to the Harbor of Stone and Contracts - Liyue. Charlotte made sure to read the information her colleague brought her after exam a few times and learn everything about this nation's culture and history.

Apparently, it was the nation ruled by God of Contracts, Morax. Corresponding element of the nation is geo – stones. Lord of Geo only descends from Celestia once a year – during the Rite of Descention, bringing prophecies to his people. The rite is main Harbingers target – that's a perfect opportunity to get a gnosis and turn it in for Her Majesty.

Despite not entirely sure what would Tsaritsa need gnoses for, Zanni knew she had to obey the commands from now on. Tartaglia and she had a deal that she'll take the easier part of their mission – collect information about a certain Traveler and also help the Northland bank deal with debts if needed.

After 4 days in open ocean, the pair docked at the port. Even from the side, city of contracts looked glorious: giant buildings of mixed green and red colors, golden details here and there. Mountains were all over the landscape, golden ginkgo trees growing at their feet. There were many markets in the harbor, some of them selling fruits and vegetables from faraway lands, some - children toys and souvenirs, others – fish and meat.

Despite them only arriving, some of the surrounding locals were already giving them cold and distrusting looks. Charlotte couldn't exactly explain it, but she wasn't too bothered by that. Maybe she was prepared for that in advance or maybe it was that she got used to people talking bad things about this far and wide known Snezhnayan organisation.

On other hand, she was surprised how well-treated Harbingers are by lower-ranks. There were a few Fatui agents waiting at the harbor for them, immediately helping 11th and 12th Harbingers carry their luggage, leading them straight to the Northland Bank – the building where Fatui gathered here, in Liyue.

Receptionist girl, who Charlotte later learned was named Ekaterina, volunteered to show them their rooms as well as their offices. Childe's office was first in long corridor, so ginger head and brunette girl soon parted, even though their offices were right next to each other.

"And here is your office, lord Zanni." Ekaterina bowed, opening the door.

"Thank you, Ekaterina. And please, just call me Zanni. There's no need for formalities." Charlotte rubbed the back of her head, stepping aside to let the Fatui agents who were carrying her and Childe's luggage pass by.

Bank receptionist seemed to be surprised by such kind act from Harbinger, you could tell it from soft blush that dusted her cheeks. In the end she nodded, pointing to the inside of the room.

"Please, make yourself at home." Charlotte entered her office first, looking around. It seemed simple but super cozy.

Across the entrance was her desk with really comfortable looking chair, lamp and neatly placed documents on the side of it. Room's right wall (looking from the doorway) had giant bookshelf full of nearly everything: document folders, books, empty decorative boxes and some vase-plants. The wall across was decorated with a paper-painting of Liyue's landscape, sofa underneath it. There was also giant red carpet in the middle of the room.

"It really is nice in here, thank you." Young Harbinger girl smiled at her guide.

Before either of them could say something else, dark smoke started forming on the floor from both sides of the table. In a moment there stood 2 Fatui agents, their faces covered by their masks and jacket hoods.

"Every Harbinger is really busy with their work, so they get assistants. These 2 agents will be in your service, lord Z-Zanni." Receptionist once again blushed, stuttering at the end of her words as she remembered that there was no need for formalities.

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