Chapter 51: A Softened Heart

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After a good half an hour, doctors were finally done with their male patient.

"His entire chest was coated in wounds from explosions. Apart from 3 broken ribs, none of the inner organs seem to be harmed. Even though such injuries are considered difficult, we can assure you that the medicine we used will let your son heal quickly." One of the doctors reported to Ajax's parents.

"Thank goodness..." Ajax's mother sighed in relief as she glanced at her asleep son. "How long will he be asleep?"

"It's hard to say. He lost a lot of blood, so it will take a bit for his body to strengthen up again. 2 weeks at most."

Parents once again nodded. A soft knocking on the doorway was heard and they turned around to see a girl doctor who was just treating the other patient. Her white coat was partly stained by blood.

"I'm sorry to disturb." The young doctor said shyly.

"It's alright. How is she?" Ajax's mother immediately got to the point, eager to know about Charlotte's condition.

Her worry rose up when the doctor looked at the ground, an unsure look on her slightly pale face.

"I... I don't know what happened to her, but judging from her wounds – she was stabbed through her chest with a sword. Not only the blade has pierced her body but also damaged her inner organs. One of the largest veins – the inferior vena cava, that brings the blood to the heart from her lower body, has been nearly cut off and her heart's outside layer has been damaged greatly too. These injuries caused severe internal bleeding and..." the doctor once again sighed. "She will need serious surgery. As soon as possible."

"What are you waiting for then? There's no time to lose!" Ajax's mother said, tears gathering in her eyes. "Please, save her..."

"Miss, calm down. My colleague is already preparing her for the surgery. Anatolli, Jelena," she addressed the pair of doctors who just finished treating Ajax. "We will need your help. Despite the Queen reviving her and probably giving her the blood she lost back to her, due to her injuries, internal bleeding has started. She's losing too much blood. Way too much. There's a really thin chance of survival if we perform surgery without blood transfusion. However, we will need someone to donate blood for her..."

"What's her blood type?" Anatolli, the only male doctor in the group asked. "If it matches, any of us, doctors, could donate. There's no time to go back to the hospital."

"Seems to be O negative..."

Doctors exchanged worried looks. You could easily tell that the situation was beyond serious.

"Meaning she can only take O negative..." Anatolli glanced at his colleagues. "Any of you?"

Girls shook their heads.

"Damn it..." Anatolli cursed.

Ajax's father was staring ahead of himself, his head full of thoughts and memories. He remembered how in his youthful adventurer days, during the expedition, he got in a serious fight and was severely injured. His comrades brought him to the hospital and doctors diagnosed severe blood loss. After checking his blood type, a problem occurred.

His blood was O negative type. O negative could be donated to anyone, but could only receive O negative itself.

Luckily, the hospital managed to find a person who donated O negative blood and he survived.

The man glanced at his unconscious son. His wife's words rang in his head.

"Ajax would want that..."

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he turned to the doctors.

"I'm O negative. I can donate."

All doctors looked at the man shocked yet happy that the difficult situation was now solved.

"This way, sir." The doctor who came to report on Charlotte's condition left the room together with Ajax's father.

The other 2 doctors followed right after, leaving Ajax's mother behind. Tears that once gathered in the woman's eyes were now falling down her cheeks as she couldn't believe what just happened.

The very same man who kicked Charlotte out of his home, who hated her with all his might, who refused to let her get buried next to his son... Has now stepped up to save her life.

"I knew you had it in you..." she whispered, a soft smile forming on her lips.

Wiping her tears, she hurried off to the kitchen. After blood donation, her husband might feel dizzy. Bringing him a glass of water and some sugar would be a great favor.


Doctors worked nearly all night long. The surgery they performed seemed to be serious and the most difficult they ever performed in their life.

Finally, when the clock hit 7 am, all of them stepped out of the room. Dark bags have formed under their eyes, obvious tiredness visible on their faces.

Ajax's mother, who stayed the entire night up waiting for the news, as well as Sergei, who kept his mother company, immediately greeted them.

"How did it go?" both of them asked at the same time, in worried voices.

Anatolli smiled with a tired smile.

"She will survive."

Tears of joy cascaded down mother's cheeks as she hugged the doctor. Out of surprise, Anatolli's tired eyes widened but he soon hugged the middle-aged woman back.

"M-May Archons bless you... Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. We're just doing our job." The doctor smiled, letting go of the embrace. "We can't be sure when she will wake up. For now, just let her rest. If you see that anything is wrong, all 4 of us work at the Central Hospital of Snezhnaya. Just ask about either of us in the reception."

"Alright. Thank you so, so much again." The woman thanked with her hands in a prayer position.

"Always welcome. Now, it's about time we go back and take a good nap. Goodbye."

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