Chapter 19: Funeral Parlor

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Just like she talked it with her colleague, Charlotte hurried to the Funeral Parlor the next day, early in the morning. The building was hidden in almost furthest corner, so it took her awhile to find the entrance.

At the very entrance she bumped at the short brunette girl with red eyes, wearing black shirt and shorts as well as a black hat. Judging from her appearence, she seemed to be related to the parlor Charlotte was looking for. You could also tell from afar that this person was hyperactive and young Harbinger wasn't sure whether she should be worried or happy. After all, sometimes, this type of people would have more energy than sense...

"Aiya! What do we have here? Customers?" the girl from funeral parlor exclaimed cheerfully.

"Oh uh... N-Not really... But... Um... Yeah, I guess..." Charlotte was a bit lost, not sure how to even start a conversation about Rex Lapis death. She forgot to rehearse what to say yesterday.

"What an interesting answer... Well then, whatever business it is you have here, I shall be your guide! Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Director, Hu Tao!"

Charlotte was shocked. Her appearence indicated she might be a funeral parlor worker, but girl looked so young... And she's a director? Is she older than she looks?

Shaking away her shock and confusion, Charlotte smiled.

"Nice to meet you. Name is Zanni."

"Great! Come with me, our consultant will gladly help you out!" Hu Tao said cheerfully, already dragging the Harbinger inside the building.

They walked down the many corridors, passing quite a few doors before stopping at one of them. Hu Tao knocked.

Faint noise from the other side allowed to come in.

Charlotte stumbled forward as Hu tao pushed her in, closing the door behind her immediately. Sighing, young Fatui turned to the desk of earlier mentioned consultant. The man sitting there seemed to suit the funeral parlor better - he looked to be in his 30s, maybe older, but still pretty young-looking. He had black hair that were tied into a long ponytail and golden eyes. He wore black suit pants and a jacket with brown, white and black details, as well as decorated with Liyue-themed patterns.

"Hello, sir." Charlotte politely greeted, coming to sit in the chair standing right in front of his desk.

"Good day. Before we move on to what brings you here, I must offer my sincere apology for your loss."

Charlotte sat here not saying a thing for a moment as his words confused her a bit. Then she remembered where she was and what situation she was in.

"O-Oh, it's okay. Uh... You see, i'm here not exactly of my own family loss."

Consultant raised his eyebrow curiously.

"I'm here because of Rex Lapis death..." girl sighed, looking down before she continued. "This is no ordinary event in Liyue. Nation's archon is gone."

"Yes, indeed. Rex Lapis' death is a great loss to Liyue. But sooner or later we all will leave this world. Our goal isn't to live forever. It's to create something that will."

Charlotte felt a part of her brain die partly as she tried her best to comprehend the philosophy of the man sitting in front of her.

"Just like Rex Lapis and Adepti created Liyue city..."

Consultant smiled seeing that the girl understood him, putting the Harbinger in relief too.

"Even so, I don't think the death of an archon should be forgotten so quickly, as if nothing happened. We could at least... Hmm... Organise rites to say goodbye? What do you think, sir?"

"You can call me Mr.Zhongli. I think it is an idea worth considering... Hmm..." he looked down, cupping his chin with his hand in a thoughtful manner. "You are not from around here, are you?"

Charlotte was slightly caught off guard by such random question, but decided it won't hurt to answer truthfully.

"You are right, Mr.Zhongli. I am not."

Man's golden eyes were examining her curiously as he stayed silent for a minute or two. Girl was starting to feel really uncomfortable.

"I thought so... Despite not being a native, you know a lot about Liyue's culture... Interesting... You must read a lot."

"You can say I do. My father was one of the authors of Teyvat Encyclopedia. We used to travel a lot, so I have a decent amount of knowledge about every nation and its culture." it felt like bragging, so Charlotte blushed a bit, getting embarrassed. Despite her pink-dusted cheeks, she couldn't help but feel sad deep down in her heart, knowing that the person they were discussing about was no longer here.

"I see. Do you know anything about the Rite of Parting?"

"I'm afraid this is something I haven't heard about it, Mr.Zhongli."

"Hmm... Rite of Parting is exactly what you mentioned earlier - an event to say goodbye to passed on Archon to put it in simple terms. Sadly, I'm afraid this will take a lot of resources and time to prepare..."

"I know a person who can lend you a hand." Charlotte reassured, thinking about a certain blonde Traveler she met earlier.

"That's great." Consultant said calmly. "When may I meet them?"

"Hmm... I'm afraid I'm too busy with my job to do the bridge building job between you two... How about I pass this task to my friend? Childe will make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Hmm... Child?" Zhongli looked at her with curious, yet confused look. "Why would you leave such task to a kid?"

"H-Huh? Oh, no no. Childe. With E at the end. It's his... His nickname of sorts. He's a grown up man, you have nothing to worry about. Is it okay if I tell him to come meet you today?"

"Yes, I will be waiting for him."

"Great. Thank you very much, Mr.Zhongli. Glad doing business with you." Charlotte smiled with a sweet smile before standing up, bowing and leaving.

Forgetting a few minor issues, the negotiation went perfectly. 12th Harbinger was satisfied to be able to take part in the mission and be at least a little bit useful.

After all, she pledged her loyalty to her Majesty to keep herself and her friend safe after the treasure hoarders' incident. If she proves herself being good, they both will be left in peace, untouched. But if it's the other way...

Whoknows what fate would holds for them...

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now