Chapter 44: Ready for Action

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Sprinting back to the Goth Grand Hotel, Charlotte already had a fully planned plan. All of the puzzle pieces have finally fallen into their places.

Ajax's abyss master – Skirk – was the one who cursed him, right before he left the abyss:

"You shall ever be the eye of the storm and the clashing of steel shall ever accompany you. The pitch-black memory of stepping into uttermost darkness, shall, at last, become the strength by which you will overturn this world..."

Zanni wasn't sure whether Skirk said this in human language or Ajax somehow understood and translated the curse, but it was obvious enough that that's where his bloodlust hailed from. To lift the curse and set him free, all she had to do was to kill his abyss master.

That's where the difficulties started.

Firstly, she needed to find a way to get into the abyss. Ajax told her he fell into the abyss in Snezhnaya's forest close to his home. There's no guarantee the same will happen to her.

Secondly, how could she be sure she'll fall into the abyss and right up to meet Skirk? She might be stuck here forever, looking for a specific woman for the rest of her life, and end up never finding her. Abyss must be huge, after all...

Lastly, if Skirk managed to make Ajax such a powerful warrior and even teach him something called "Foul Legacy" it only meant she was hella powerful herself. The battle against her won't be easy at all. Not to mention, the Realm of eternal darkness will be filled full of other creatures...

But Charlotte was ready to give it her all.


Zanni's agent appeared right next to her, his eyes quite horrified as he tried his best to put on his mask. Another Harbinger would have snapped at him for not wearing his mask since it was pretty much one of the main rules of the Fatui, but it wasn't something Charlotte cared about now.

"Yes, Zan-"

"I need to get to Liyue Harbor. NOW."

Her state surprised and confused Viktor even more. Yet, as her agent, he had no other choice but to obey her orders. The blonde man came closer, touching her shoulder.

A moment later, they were already in Liyue Harbor, right next to the place where ships docked. Charlotte was about to run off, but the agent grabbed her arm.

"What are you planning?" he asked with suspicion in his eyes.

"I'm returning back to Snezhnaya. Look after the things in the hotel for me. And..."

12th Harbinger stopped, her eyes becoming really serious for a moment. She sighed, closing her eyes before looking back at him.

"If I don't return from the mission I'm heading to now, report to her Majesty for me. Tell her I did this to avenge 11th Harbinger's death."

Viktor felt himself freezing in place.

"Zanni, what the hell are you-"

"No time to explain." Letting go of her suitcase handle and ignoring surrounding people's stares, she hugged her agent. He wasn't just her agent, no, he was her friend. "Thank you for being my friend."

Viktor was way too shocked to even answer. Hugging her back and giving her a final squeeze, he whispered a silent goodbye. Brunette then pulled away, grabbing her suitcase and running off to the ship with people who looked like snezhnayans on board.

With enough money (which Charlotte didn't lack due to her Fatui work), you could get pretty much anything. After 2 days, the ship has already docked in Morepesok.

Without informing Tsaritsa or any other Fatui elites, 12th Harbinger didn't waste time and started her self-assigned mission. Renting the first hotel in sight, she dropped her luggage off, changed into warmer clothes, and ran out to the forest.

After many hours of walking around, and investigating, Charlotte didn't achieve much. A mission simply turned into a regular walk in the forest. The girl was ready for the fact that this mission will take a while, but despite that, she still felt disappointed that she came back empty-handed today.

Sighing, Harbinger got a new idea. Before things get serious, she should at least go and say a proper goodbye...

With snow crackling under her winter boots, she started walking down the path leading to the graveyard. She loved how peaceful the surroundings of this place were – not a single human noise. Only nature opera: wind blowing, snow falling down from the trees, and some birds, able to withstand the coldness of Snezhnaya, chirping here and there.

Fittingfor the atmosphere of a graveyard.

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