Chapter 55: Love's Medicine

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"Your Majesty... You wanted to see me?"

Ajax knelt down in front of the giant and magnificent ice throne. Cryo Archon, who was standing with her back facing him now turned around, giving him a soft smile.

"Tartaglia..." she smiled. "It's good to see you have recovered."

11th Harbinger stood up, straightening his back. He nodded and waited patiently to hear what else Tsaritsa has to say.

"The reason I invited you over is nothing formal. You can relax. Pantalone is busy with this month's economical reports, he won't come and interfere. Please, don't feel too tense."

"If that's what you wish for, Your Majesty."

"You can call me Tsaritsa, Childe. All of these formalities are tiring sometimes, even for me." Cryo Archon sighed, slowly sitting down on her throne. "So tell me, how are your wounds healing? The day I revived you and Zanni, you both looked... Forgive me, but awful."

Childe sighed, looking away.

"Yes. I was seriously injured in the domain and most of those wounds remained even after revival. However, from what I was told, you used healing magic to ensure our survival." He explained. "If I may, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude. If not for your kindness, I wouldn't stand here now."

Tsaritsa gave him a soft smile.

"Loyal warriors as yourself must be awarded. Think of this as a small gift from me to thank you and Zanni for your brilliant loyalty and hard work. I'm proud to have warriors such as you two in my troops."

"Small gift?" Childe's eyes widened. "You brought us back to life, your Ma- Tsaritsa. Personally, I consider this not a 'small' gift."

"Is that so? Well, I'm glad." Tsaritsa chuckled. "Now then. I'm happy to see you are okay and almost fully healed. Tell me, how's Zanni doing?"

That was the question young warrior was most afraid of. Past days with Charlotte have really been troublesome and it was obvious that she was having a crisis on her own. It felt like she was frozen in time and that she now woke up in the future, leaving a huge gap in her lifetime that she couldn't remember anyhow.

Not only that it was difficult for her to comprehend reality, but she was also still on her guard around Ajax and his family. Poor girl no longer knew how to behave in certain situations or what to say during certain conversations.

"Hm...?" Tsaritsa raised her brow waiting for the answer.

"She lost her memory..." Ajax finally said, closing his eyes and sighing as he lowered his head. "She doesn't remember what happened... She doesn't remember how she became a part of the Fatui... She doesn't remember me..." he said with a note of hurt in his slightly trembling voice.

"Oh..." Cryo Archon's concerned face now became worried. "What is the last thing she remembers?"

"Being at treasure hoarders camp. While her sister was still alive..." Childe answered, his heart hurting at the memory of his friend breaking into tears the moment he had to break it to her that her sister was no longer alive.

"Poor thing..." Cryo Archon stayed silent for another minute. "I can only imagine what's going on in her inner world of thoughts right now..."

"It's okay." 11th Harbinger's eyes once again became emotionless as he stared ahead of himself. "All that matters is that she is safe and sound. Even if it means she doesn't remember me or certain events. Maybe... It will be better this way..."

Seeing how heartbroken her warrior was, the Goddess of Love's face became apologetic and sad. The fact that that girl meant so much to Childe was way too obvious. The moment they both were brought back to life, Tsaritsa would catch some of the other high-ranked Fatui members, Harbingers even, gossiping about them.

Childe could deny his love for Charlotte until he was blue in the face. Sadly, the Goddess could see through all lies when it came to the topic of her specialty - love.

"Say, Childe. Your wounds are still not fully healed so you can't yet come back to your usual duty of seeking out combat. You can take as much time as you need to recover, no need to hurry. Would it be okay if I assign you some paperwork? It won't require too much physical power, right?"

"Yes, I'm absolutely fine with it, your Majesty," Childe said, hiding the fact that he couldn't stand the formalities and paperwork. "I'm ready to come back to that kind of work."

"Great." Goddess of Love stood up from her throne, coming a bit closer. "I will instruct one of your agents to deliver you your paperwork tomorrow. It would be brilliant if you could finish them by the end of this week."

"Consider it done, your Majesty." Tartaglia bowed down, giving respect to the Archon. "May I go now?"

"Yes." Tsaritsa dismissed him, turning around.

Childe was about to leave the throne hall but Tsaritsa's sudden voice stopped him.

"Oh and, Tartaglia?" Tsaritsa called out, not even bothering to turn around. "Remember - love is also a medicine. A powerful one too. It heals not only the body but mind and soul as well."

With those words, shewalked away, soon enough disappearing in the side corridor, leading out of theThrone Hall. Childe stood there for a bit longer, trying to comprehend Queen'swords before turning around again and this time successfully leaving the hall.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now