Chapter 47: The Abyss

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Charlotte landed on the cold stone ground. She passed through the gates. She was inside the abyss now.

Lifting her head up, she looked around. The area looked like a cave of black stone. Its walls in some places had vines growing on them, their leaves and flowers tainted by colors girl has never seen before. Plants were glowing, making the cave at least a little bit illuminated.

Stepping forward, a girl walked down the corridor. The further she went, the more of abyss flora she discovered. Deeper inside, cave walls, and the ground were decorated not only by vine plants but also by shinning crystals. If it wasn't a place full of monsters ready to kill anything that moves, Charlotte could have called it beautiful.

All of the sudden, she heard quiet whispers. Sneaking in the shadows and hiding, she moved in the direction the sounds came from. Finally, she came across a part of the cave that narrowed but lead to the new, huge part of the cave.

Spreading the vines wall that hid the entrance, she peeked inside. The view horrified her.

The abyssal lector and herald bodies laid dead on the ground, silverish blood leaking all over the place. In the middle of the cave room stood a ginger boy and... a woman.

A strange woman was kneeling down, her hand on Teucer's face as she was speaking something comforting to him most likely wiping away his tears. As far as Charlotte could see, a woman must have been pretty tall and despite being an abyss inhabitant, looked human enough.

Her hair was light brown, slightly curly, and falling on her face, hiding her eyes. She wore an outfit slightly similar to abyss herald's, a cape covering her bare shoulders. Her skin was light, but around her neck and her right shoulder, it turned purple. Charlotte could only wonder if it was the abyss corrosion effects or just scars from endless battles?

"Shh, it's okay, kid. Those monsters are no longer alive. They won't hurt you." 12th Harbinger heard her whisper and it was the last drop to her rage goblet.

"Don't act as if you are not gonna hurt him!"

Coming out of her hideout, she attracted the attention of the pair. Teucer's eyes widened, he stepped a step away from abyss lady.

"B-Big sis C-Charlotte?"

"Teucer," Charlotte drew her sword out, reaching the other hand out for him. "please, come here."

"Charlotte..." abyssal woman tilted her head to the side, her golden, glowing in the dark and slit-pupil eyes narrowing. Suddenly, she smiled. "Ah yes... You're the one he befriended, m?"

"Nice to meet you, Skirk, I suppose?" 12th Harbinger's voice sounded challenging, making the mysterious woman laugh.

"Hahaha! So he told you about me!" she seemed pleasantly surprised. "I'm glad I get to skip the introduction!"

"W-Wh-What's going on?" Teucer asked with his voice shaking. "B-Big sis k-knows the s-swordsman lady?"

"Teucer, back off from her. She is the one who turned your brother into a monster."

"W-What? B-But... She s-saved me... A-And... Big b-brother was not a m-monster!"

"Hmm, see, Charlotte?" Skirk stepped close to the ginger boy, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "It's all about the first impression. Teucer, you know she's lying, right?"

"I-I..." little kid was starting to panic, unsure what was happening. "I w-want to go home! M-Make it stop!" tears started running down his cheeks as he sobbed.

"Hey, shush..." Skirsk knelt again, reaching out to wipe his tears. "I will teach you to fight and leave this place. Then you can be as cool as your big brother was..."

"Don't you fucking dare!" Charlotte stepped forward, her blade igniting with flames.

"Hey, language! He's still a kid, you know? What would his parents say? What would... Ajax say?" she once again narrowed her eyes.

Zanni felt her heart drop to her stomach. She was right – what is she doing? Teucer's father already thought of her as a killer. What would happen if he found out that she also taught his youngest son how to swear? What would he say?

What would Ajax say?

All of these questions were running through Charlotte's head when all of the sudden, she realized what exactly was going on.

This bitch was manipulating her to make her an easy target to kill.

Seeing her realization face, Skirk sighed.

"Ah, a smart one. Ugh, it will be a pain to deal with you."

"Teucer, I'm begging you," Charlotte said in a serious tone, looking straight at the kid. "This woman is promising a lot, yes. She will give that to you, but she will also curse you! You will come back from this place back home like a naughty boy, picking fights with town kids. Big brother Ajax wouldn't be proud..."

This seemed to get the kid on her side. The moment Charlotte mentioned a curse, Skirk's eyes widened.

"R-Really? I... W-Want b-big brother to b-be p-proud... n-not disappointed..."

He sobbed again, shaking off the abyssal woman's hand off of his shoulder and running to the Harbinger. Zanni knelt down to hug him, shushing him gently.

"You made a good decision, Teucer. Thank you. Big brother and I are proud of you." She gently ruffled his hair.

"Curse... How do you know about it?" snake-eyed woman was looking at her, completely taken off guard.

"Teucer, do me a favor." Girl gently gripped Teucer's shoulder. "Go and hide behind that rock, will you? Don't come out and let me deal with her, okay?"

As the kid nodded and ran away, Charlotte stood up, straightening her posture and facing the former Master of her friend.

"Your previous apprentice is dead, I think you know that. His soul is unable to lay down for rest because of your curse. I, as his loyal friend, must put end to his suffering." 12th Harbinger lifted her sword, pointing at Skirk. "Undo the curse. Now."

The light brown-haired woman continued to stare for a minute longer before pulling out her sword, unclipping her cape, and throwing it aside.

"Boldof you to think I will do it. Bring it on!"

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now