Chapter 58: Comfort & Persuasion

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Another long-lasting blizzard in the land of Cryo Archon started the next morning. The strong wind blew like crazy, you could hear ear-piercing squeaks from time to time. Snowflakes storm was no better - the amount of white falling dots created a fog and you couldn't see further than 10 meters away from your nose.

Charlotte woke up to the sound of the windows creaking from wind gusts. She slowly opened her eyes, looking over her shoulder to see what was up.

Realizing that it was just wind, she relaxed once more, laying her head back down on the extremely soft and warm pillow.

But all of the sudden, the pillow moved under her.

The girl jumped. The "Pillow" she was laying on was not the sack filled full of goose feathers and fluff, but a young ginger male's chest.

The moment she sat up in bed, the man moved, turning on his side. His arms slithered around the girl's body, holding her close as he buried his face in the area between her chest and neck.

"Stay..." he whispered in a sleepy voice.


The girl stared down at the ginger with her eyes wide. He was so close. She wasn't used to such affection coming from him.

Slowly and carefully, she wrapped her arm around him too. A low chuckle was heard.

"There you go, girlie." Ajax hummed, snuggling even closer and completely pressing his body against hers. "See? I don't bite... And it's way warmer like this..."

"B-But, are you sure it's okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

Charlotte had no idea how to answer that. Deciding to shrug it off and deal with it later, she simply relaxed her muscles, closing her eyes. She had enough of sleep already, but Ajax was right – the warmth they both shared felt nice and comforting.

All of a sudden the pair heard a door bang in the distance, followed by a running noise. Charlotte started feeling uneasy as the steps approached but Childe didn't seem to be disturbed not a bit.

Someone knocked on the door energetically.

"Big brother!!! Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up! Mom baked блины!! Hurry up or there won't be any more left!"

"Of course Teucer! We're coming!" Ajax shouted back, smiling as he heard the steps disappearing in the distance of the corridor. "I guess it's about time we get up, huh..."

"Y-Yeah, haha..."

Ginger let go of the girl, carefully rolling on his back. With one swift movement, he was already standing on his two feet, stretching.

"Ouch... ugh, the old bandages are already getting dry and non-elastic. Will need to change it later. Let's go have breakfast first."

Ajax already started sleepily walking towards the room door. Realizing that he doesn't hear his friend's steps behind him, he looked back just to see her sitting on the bed, staring into space.

"Charlotte? What's wrong?"

"H-Huh? O-Oh uh... Nothing... I-I'm afraid I'm not hungry yet... I will eat later if you don't mind."

Such a lie wasn't going to slip by 11th Harbinger's vigilant eyes.


He walked back to the bed, sitting close to the girl. His hand immediately wandered on her shoulder, making the girl shiver. She has now realized that it's useless to lie anyway.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now