Chapter 39: "Dying sucks"

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A trip back to Snezhnaya was unbearable.

Zanni would never leave her ship cabin, not even for the meals. When the meal time was over though, she would sneak out to get a small snack to keep herself alive and not starve to death. Those who managed to get a glimpse of her, even though she avoided basically everyone, were horrified by 12th Harbinger's dark bags under her eyes from crying every single night and just how skinny she has become.

Girl couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen. The moment ship docks at Morepesok, she'll rent a carriage straight back to Childe's family mansion, to deliver the news she hoped she would never have to deliver in her life.

But the time has come. And she has finally arrived at her destination. Childe's parents and siblings were already waiting outside, wanting to greet their family members. After all, they still had birthday wishes that they owed him.

Sadly, none of them were needed.

At the time, the girl knew she'll bring to the grave what she got to witness: Ajax's mother breaking down in tears and sobbing loudly the moment she saw the coffin, shocked elder siblings, and the confused, scared face-expressions of youngsters. As well, the furious glance Ajax's father has given her before focusing on comforting his wife.

Ajax's elder sister Tatyana escorted Charlotte to the guests' room, offering the best comfort she could. Charlotte only thanked, her voice sounding emotionless. With a concerned look on her face, Tatyana decided to give the girl some space and left the room.

Brunette wanted to cry so badly, yet there were no more tears left to cry. Laying down in her bed, she sighed, closing her eyes. She was so deep in thought that didn't notice how she dozed off to deep slumber.

By the time she woke up, it was a late evening. Judging from how quiet the corridors seemed, Charlotte assumed everyone was asleep.

She left her room, strolling through the corridors as quietly as a mouse. Originally, 12th Harbinger had no plan on where to go, but soon enough, she found herself standing in front of a certain door.

Touching the cold metal handle, she twisted it, walking in. The room was dark and cold, seeming unusually lonely without him.

The bed was neatly made, pillows leaned to the head end tidily. The desk stood clean, with no documents and random papers scattered on it. Everything seemed so neat, so clean...

So lifeless...

Walking over to the nightstand, Charlotte picked up the candle holder. Using her pyro vision, she ignited the flame, making the room just a little bit brighter than it was. The brunette looked around once again: the giant bookshelf was what caught her attention.

She remembers visiting his room earlier and catching a glimpse of thick books that she wanted to check out, yet never did. Using this opportunity now, she came closer to the shelf, scanning the book covers.

There was one that looked different from the others. It was a thick book, its cover crimson red, decorated with gold. Carefully taking it out of the shelf, the girl carried it to the desk and sat down, getting ready to read it.

What she found inside surprised her.

It was a photo album.

The first photos were taken when he has only entered this world a few moments ago. Even when he was still a weak, vulnerable baby, he already had big, beautiful, deep ocean-blue eyes. What was mesmerizing the most about it, was the fact that those sapphire orbs still had a spark in them.

Girl continued looking through the album, tears gathering in her eyes the further she went. There were many photos of Childe's elder siblings playing with him or his father taking him out for ice-fishing trips. As well, there were many picturing him helping his mother out in the kitchen or the moment when he became a big brother himself – Tonia was born.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now