Chapter 13: In the morning

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(A.N. - Author's note)

Childe kept his word and let the girl sleep long next day. Charlotte woke up only past 12pm, when the older boy barged into her room with a pile of clothes for her to change.

"Rise and shine, girlie! Come on, come on! Enough sleeping! It's past midday already!" he cheerfully greeted, making the sleepy girl groan under the blanket.

"Too early..." Charlotte dragged the blanket more over herself, preparing to fall asleep again.

Putting the pile of clothes he brought with himself on the chair, boy turned back to the mattresses ball on the bed. You could only see the very top of girl's head and a few incoherent dark brown hair strands peeking out of the blanket.

Sighing, boy reached out his hand, the hydro vision on his belt glowing bright blue. A small bubble of water started forming above the bed, getting bigger and bigger with each second passed.

Once 11th Harbinger decided the bubble is big enough, he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Forgive me, but this is the only way to get you out of bed."

These were the last words before the bubble splashed down on the bed and loud screech left now wide-awake girl's lips. She immediately sat up in bed, all shaking and dripping wet.


Boy only responded with a laugh.

"Of course, Charlotte. You'll get a chance to do so once you change. You won't fight me in your soaked pyjamas, right? Come on." he picked up the pile of clothes he brought here, coming closer to her.

In meantime, brunette girl crawled out of bed, her pyjamas soaked so much that it glued to her body, highlighting her skinny figure. Despite 2 months passing, she still hasn't grown back much weight, making her look like a dry dead tree stick.

She snatched the clothes from the ginger young man, earning herself another chuckle from him. Locking herself up in her personal bathroom, she first took bath and washed her hair as it was already wet anyway. Wrapping her dark brown locks in the towel, she turned back to the clothes her friend has given her.

After dressing up, Charlotte looked at the mirror, happy that Childe didn't forget to think about her style and prioritized black color. (A.N.: I kinda struggle with descriptions, so I added a photo collage at the top of chapter haha...) Girl was now wearing black Victorian style blouse with dark grey patterns waving down its sleeves that were loose and pretty wide, only tightening around her shoulders and wrists. Sleeves down from her wrists widened once more, hiding half of her hands. Down from her left shoulder a half-cape hung, covering most of her arm and part of her chest. The neck of her t-shirt wasn't too tall, leaving her neck barely covered. The clothing piece also had a wavy fan-like detail that covered most of her chest.

She wore black tight pants, but surprisingly, it was easy to move in them and they seemed comfortable.Lastly, she wore boots, somewhat similar to Childe's, buttoned with golden buttons and golden chains.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she looked back at the mirror once again, surprisingly liking how she looked. She found the boy who gave her and her bed a free bath sitting at her desk, playing with her vision.

"And what do you think you're doing with that?"

"Hey, what's wrong? Why so cold all of the sudden? You were so nice yesterday..." ginger pouted, standing up. "I framed your vision. It looks like mine now." He showed her a dark red orb with pyro symbol glowing in it. It was now framed in silver arrow-shaped frame.

"Oh uh... Thanks." She took the vision, looking how to attach it to her waist as this was the place where she usually kept it.

"Hmm... I got an idea, give me that." Boy snatched the vision from the girl, stepping even closer and carefully attaching it to her neck, right at the knot of fan-like detail on her t-shirt chest. "Here. Looking good."

Girl blushed, not used to compliments. "T-Thanks..."

"You're welcome. Now then, let's go and see if this outfit is good for battling. You can get your revenge on me for what happened a moment ago." He laughs, glancing at the bed.

"Yeah, hold on, genius. Let me just..." She let her hair out of the towel, sticking her hand in them and rubbing it a bit. The vision on her neck glowed brighter, her wet hair immediately drying and becoming fluffy. "Let me brush them and we can go."

"So you can do that with a pyro vision... Interesting. I didn't know that."

"Yeah, I didn't know you can create a waking-upmechanisms with hydro vision either."

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now